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Buckinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group and Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group - Any Qualified Provider (AQP) for the Provision of Community Audiology Services



Audiological Science Ltd, Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust, Outside Clinic, Royal Berkshire NHS foundation trust, Scrivens Ltd, Cirrus House, 10 Experian Way, Nottingham, NG2 1EP


0.06 GBP


NHS Buckinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group ("CCG") and NHS Oxfordshire CCG sought to commission Community Audiology Services via an Any Qualified Provider ("AQP") process. The contract length will be for an initial 5 years, with potential to extend for up to a further 2 years. This procurement has been carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioners. Lot 1: NHS Buckinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group ("CCG") and NHS Oxfordshire CCG sought to commission Community Audiology Services via an Any Qualified Provider ("AQP") process. The aim is to provide a comprehensive and seamless service for adults experiencing hearing and communication difficulties where they might benefit from hearing assessment and rehabilitation including the option of trying hearing aids with aftercare and support. The vision for people with hearing problems is for them to receive high quality, efficient services aligned to their social and psychological needs, delivered closer to home, with short waiting times and high responsiveness to the needs of local communities, free at the point of access. The broad outcomes required of the service are specified below: • Increased choice and control as to where and when their treatment is delivered • Personalised care; • Timely access • Benefits from chosen interventions. • Reduction in communication difficulties due to poor hearing; • Timely direct referral or signposting to other local; • Direct onward referral to secondary care as appropriate • Clear guidance and information for patients and their families • Choice of hearing intervention; • High levels of satisfaction when accessing the service; The contract length will be for an initial 5 years, with potential to extend for up to a further 2 years. This procurement has been carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioners. Additional information: The services are healthcare services falling within Schedule 3 to the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 ("the Regulations") which are not subject to the full regime of the Regulations, but is instead governed by the "Light Touch Regime" contained within Chapter 3, Section 7 of the Regulations (Regulations 74 to 77).


Award date

4 years ago

Publish date

3 years ago

Buyer information

NHS Buckinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group

Donna Harrington

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