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Residential and Nursing Care Home Services



261,070,000 GBP


Staffordshire County Council (the Council) has put in place a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) arrangement for the provision of residential and nursing care home services for its clients. The Council has received applications to join the DPS from providers registered with the Care Quality Commission and has entered into a DPS Agreement for the provision of Residential and Nursing Care Home Services (the DPS Agreement) with each of the successful applicants in respect of one or more of ten lots. The DPS arrangement will remain open up to 30 September 2019 with an option to extend and the Council will continue to receive and consider applications to join the DPS until such closing date. The DPS is split into the ten (10) lots described below: Lot: 1: Residential - Older People Lot 2: Residential - Dementia Lot 3: Residential - Physical Disability / Sensory Impairment Lot 4: Residential - Learning Disability / Autistic Spectrum Disorder Lot 5: Residential - Mental Health Lot 6: Nursing - Older People Lot 7: Nursing - Dementia Lot 8: Nursing - Physical Disability / Sensory Impairment Lot 9: Nursing - Learning Disability / Autistic Spectrum Disorder Lot 10: Nursing - Mental Health Invitations to Tender for Call Off Contracts under the DPS Agreement commenced on 11 December 2017. This Contract Award Notice relates to Call Off Contracts which have been awarded under the DPS Agreement with effect from 11 June 2024 to 10 September 2024 (inclusive). The DPS contract has been extended until the 30/09/2025 Additional information: The Council has decided to exercise its option under clause 2.3 of the DPS Contract to further extend the Contract Period in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (as amended from time to time). The Council proposes to extend the Contract Period from 14 April 2024 up to the 30 September 2025.


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8 years ago

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Staffordshire County Council

Mags Bevan

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