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Contract Management Services



1.1 Cassiltoun Housing Association wishes to appoint a suitably qualified, experienced and competent Contract Management Consultant with a high level of knowledge and understanding of the social housing sector in Scotland and specifically the maintenance and procurement functions for RSLs and CDM matters as they relate to maintenance projects. The commission will involve contract management/administration including advising on CDM matters, staff and Board of Management training, policy writing and conducting procurement exercises/ administering call offs from Frameworks. Lot 1: The successful bidder will be required to; 1. Set up and deliver through effective contract management a programme of planned, cyclical and reactive maintenance projects [for contracts relating to the maintenance of Cassiltoun HA’s housing stock and offices] 2. Deliver services within the context of the legislative and Regulatory Framework governing RSLs in Scotland 3. Effectively manage the contracts from inception to completion, delivering contract management to required timeframes, cost and quality required by Cassiltoun HA, including the Association's existing framework contracts 4. Develop and review contractual documentation for all maintenance contracts including frameworks and single contractor term contracts 5. Administer contracts including tender evaluation, valuations and certification, project monitoring, site meetings, technical inspections and report, review of contract extensions 6. Assist with cost data and cost control, design and specification 7. Negotiate and act on behalf of the Association in any dispute with appointed contractors 8. Inspect works as required to fulfil the contract administration function 9. Agreeing final accounts 10. Provide CDM services for all maintenance contracts including review of risk assessments and hazards and training for staff and Board of Management 11. Assist Asset Manager in the development of project risk registers 12. Advise the Association on ARC [Annual Return on the Charter] indicators as they relate to the maintenance function and assist in collection and interpretation of ARC data 13. Assist the Asset Manager in the management of all maintenance contracts including attending and minuting progress meetings for all maintenance contracts 14. Manage the Association’s Maintenance Framework [due to be in place by 01/04/2023], including advising the Association on call offs and mini competitions 15. In conjunction with the Association’s Development Consultant undertake PCS/ FTS procurements for maintenance and other ad hoc contracts within the Association including price/quality assessments 16. Present updates and advice to the Senior Leadership Team and Board of Management as and when required 17. Advise Senior Leadership Team on changes in housing policy and practice relating to the maintenance function and procurement policy within the social housing sector 18. Show commitment to sustainability and equal opportunities 19. Work on own initiative but know when to seek approval from senior staff/ governing body 20. Provide training for staff and Board of Management as required, in relation to maintenance, procurement functions including matters relating to CDM Regulations 21. Develop/ draft in-house policies relating to the maintenance function 22. Review 30 year/ life cycle costs and data held by CHA 23. Carry out ad-hoc stock condition surveys [SHQWS/ EESH] (This may be required to complement the already running contract with a third party for asset management/ full-scale stock condition surveys and LCCs.) 24. Advise on defects and carry out building diagnostics 25. Provide ad hoc maintenance inspection/ defect diagnostics/ technical advice to the Association 26. Assist Asset Manager with review and updating of asset register and provide consequential cashflow and budgeting 27. Assist the CEO in maintenance matters in the event of a Regulation Plan being issued by SHR Additional information: Please refer to additional documents attached to the contract notice Lot 1: The successful bidder will be required to; 1. Set up and deliver through effective contract management a programme of planned, cyclical and reactive maintenance projects [for contracts relating to the maintenance of Cassiltoun HA’s housing stock and offices] 2. Deliver services within the context of the legislative and Regulatory Framework governing RSLs in Scotland 3. Effectively manage the contracts from inception to completion, delivering contract management to required timeframes, cost and quality required by Cassiltoun HA, including the Association's existing framework contracts 4. Develop and review contractual documentation for all maintenance contracts including frameworks and single contractor term contracts 5. Administer contracts including tender evaluation, valuations and certification, project monitoring, site meetings, technical inspections and report, review of contract extensions 6. Assist with cost data and cost control, design and specification 7. Negotiate and act on behalf of the Association in any dispute with appointed contractors 8. Inspect works as required to fulfil the contract administration function 9. Agreeing final accounts 10. Provide CDM services for all maintenance contracts including review of risk assessments and hazards and training for staff and Board of Management 11. Assist Asset Manager in the development of project risk registers 12. Advise the Association on ARC [Annual Return on the Charter] indicators as they relate to the maintenance function and assist in collection and interpretation of ARC data 13. Assist the Asset Manager in the management of all maintenance contracts including attending and minuting progress meetings for all maintenance contracts 14. Manage the Association’s Maintenance Framework [due to be in place by 01/04/2023], including advising the Association on call offs and mini competitions 15. In conjunction with the Association’s Development Consultant undertake PCS/ FTS procurements for maintenance and other ad hoc contracts within the Association including price/quality assessments 16. Present updates and advice to the Senior Leadership Team and Board of Management as and when required 17. Advise Senior Leadership Team on changes in housing policy and practice relating to the maintenance function and procurement policy within the social housing sector 18. Show commitment to sustainability and equal opportunities 19. Work on own initiative but know when to seek approval from senior staff/ governing body 20. Provide training for staff and Board of Management as required, in relation to maintenance, procurement functions including matters relating to CDM Regulations 21. Develop/ draft in-house policies relating to the maintenance function 22. Review 30 year/ life cycle costs and data held by CHA 23. Carry out ad-hoc stock condition surveys [SHQWS/ EESH] (This may be required to complement the already running contract with a third party for asset management/ full-scale stock condition surveys and LCCs.) 24. Advise on defects and carry out building diagnostics 25. Provide ad hoc maintenance inspection/ defect diagnostics/ technical advice to the Association 26. Assist Asset Manager with review and updating of asset register and provide consequential cashflow and budgeting 27. Assist the CEO in maintenance matters in the event of a Regulation Plan being issued by SHR Additional information: Please refer to additional documents attached to the contract notice


Publish date

3 years ago

Close date

2 years ago

Buyer information

Cassiltoun Housing Association


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