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bpha Vista Phase 2



25,000,000 GBP


bpha are seeking expressions of interest from suitably skilled and experienced Suppliers to deliver the full refurbishment of the three blocks on Queen Street, incorporating works that enhance the safety, energy efficiency and overall quality of living spaces. The contract will be for a potential period of 6 years, with an initial pre-construction phase, followed by the construction phase. The value of the project is circa £25 million (excluding VAT) The Contract will be procured using the Competitive Dialogue form of procurement in accordance with Regulation 30 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. Full details of the scope and requirements of the Contract and the procurement process, including how to tender are included within the procurement and the tender documents. Lot 1: bpha are seeking expressions of interest from suitably skilled and experienced suppliers for the delivery of refurbishment works to three residential blocks on Queen Street, Bedford, UK. Works under the contract will include, but not be limited to: suspended ceilings in communal areas, New finishes in communal areas (wall, floor and ceiling), New ventilation systems in flats (existing communal ventilation to be removed), New LED lights in common areas, New soil pipe replacements, New rainwater disposal systems, New cold water main incoming services (where required), Fire stopping around new and existing services (where required), Potential changes to Landlord mains power distribution systems (subject to survey), Sprinkler system alterations (as may be required), New rainscreen cladding & external insulation, New double-glazed windows and frames, New ‘winter garden’ enclosures to existing balconies, New roof finishes & insulation, New access control and CCTV systems, New external lighting, New electric vehicle charging points, New main entrances and external doors, Hard and soft landscaping. bpha is looking to appoint a single Contractor who can carry out ALL WORKSTREAMS either through direct delivery, or via sub-contractors. bpha wishes to procure the appointment of a contractor to undertake internal and external refurbishment works to three of its residential housing blocks, each of which are categorised as “higher risk buildings” (HRBs) for the purposes of the applicable building safety legislation. The blocks in question are Boswell, Chandos and Richbell Court. The scope of the refurbishment works to be undertaken is as set out in the procurement documents. Further details of the scope of this refurbishment project will be issued with the documents at ISDS stage. bpha is adopting a “two stage” approach to the delivery of this project. Under this approach, the contractor that is successful in this procurement process will initially be appointed under a JCT Pre-Construction Services Agreement (with a schedule of amendments) to provide the pre-construction services required for the project. These services will include (amongst other matters) resolving planning (to the extent outstanding), developing the technical design and procuring building control approval for the purpose of gateway 2. Further details of the pre-construction services will be issued at ISDS stage. Following receipt of building control approval and agreement of the programme, design and contract sum for the works with the contractor, bpha intends to appoint the contractor to carry out the required refurbishment works under a JCT Design and Build Contract (with a schedule of amendments). Bidders should note that bpha shall be under no obligation to enter into the JCT D&B Contract with the contractor following completion of the pre-construction services under the PCSA. Entry into the D&B Contract will be entirely at bpha’s discretion. Bpha reserves the right to appoint an alternative contractor to carry out the refurbishment works following completion of the pre-construction services stage. The approximate value of the Contract is £25 million (excluding VAT), and is likely to be for a term of six years. bpha is following a three stage Competitive Dialogue procurement process in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. Under the first stage of the process, prospective bidders are required to complete a Selections Questionnaire and its associated appendices. Following evaluation of the submitted SQs, bpha anticipate shortlisting six bidders to be Invited to Submit Detailed Solutions under the second stage of the process. Following evaluation of received ISDS submissions, bpha anticipates shortlisting three Tenderers to be invited to participate in Competitive Dialogue and submit final tenders. bpha reserves the right to increase the number of bidders invited at each stage, by one or two, at their discretion.


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bpha Limited

Sharon Hunt

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