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Management & Delivery of Supported Accommodation



The management and delivery of a homeless Hub with accommodation to: > Provide safe, secure 24/7 supported accommodation for rough sleepers to ensure no-second night out. > Provide an environment where agencies can be available to support individuals without the need for an appointment (often a barrier to engagement). > Provide access to DWP, CAB, RSI officers, housing providers, probation, adult social care - see stakeholder list for full details. > Develop relationships / trust for ongoing referrals for support, advice, medical appointments, developing paths to move on into non-emergency accommodation to continue the support. > Offer showers and a laundry, a place to be clean and warm. > Include security so that individuals who would not be accommodated elsewhere can be supported. > Offer advice and support to overcome financial problems, secure job opportunities, and sustain tenancies and local affordable homes. > Ideally having a cafe so there is an informal meeting place / welcoming environment. > Ideally developing workshops / gardening to develop day time activities.


Publish date

8 months ago

Buyer information

Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council

Krestal Al-Daami - Housing and Partnerships Policy Officer

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