CON 1354 Software solution to support the management of Ofsted's internal regulatory casework activities
Regulation Services is part of what we refer to as our Application and Data Modernisation (ADM) portfolio of work. Most of Ofsted's regulatory operations and data is currently housed in an aging legacy system, Cygnum. Ofsted's aim is to modernise its operations, moving away from reliance on a single system into modular digital products and services. We are now looking for a solution that provides the following outcomes Regulatory decisions and rationale are recorded in a clear, structured and consistent manner. Historic information is easily accessible and understandable to support dynamic assessment of risk. Links, patterns and trends are better flagged to ensure relevant information is reviewed. Intelligence can be extracted to provide management, corporate and strategic oversight and insight. Capability and capacity to implement changes that keep pace with policy and operational developments. An intuitive system makes it as easy and efficient as possible to complete tasks with minimum errors Ofsted is keen to understand the systems that are available in the marketplace and suppliers are invited to express an interest in this market engagement process by emailing They will then be provided with a more detailed briefing pack and details of an upcoming webinar. Information received as part of this market engagement exercise shall be used to shape Ofsted's final specification of requirements, and scope any resulting procurement process. The objectives of the RFI / Pre-Market Engagement Process are: To ensure the broadest possible participation in any future competition by the market. For the market to find out more about Ofsted's functional and non-functional requirements For Ofsted to learn more about the supply chain and the availability of skills and experience to deliver our requirements To explore what suppliers are present in this sector, who they work with and how their services are/can be delivered and supported To understand if there is any existing solution that can deliver the scale, flexibility and openness that is required To consider the various hosting options available (Software as a Service / Self Hosted / Hybrid etc) To help determine the timescales from start to final commissioning of the solution, and any challenges associated with implementing a solution. To help understand implications of transition from our existing systems and suppliers to new supplier systems and processes To understand the potential forms of contract that would be suitable To help determine the most appropriate route to market To obtain any other relevant market insight from suppliers Suppliers are invited to express an interest in this RFI / market engagement process by emailing They will then be provided with a more detailed briefing pack and supplier questionnaire. The webinar session will be held virtually via MS Teams on 21st June 2023 at 11am.
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2 years ago
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Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted)
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