Health and social work services
Ofsted require a service to provide health advice to inform its decision on applications from those who wish to provide, or manage, childcare or children's social care across England. The supplier will be required to provide recommendations on applicants suitability to register for the role following the consideration of declared medical conditions. This will include referrals for non-complex and complex mental and physical health conditions and may require further medical evidence and specialist reports or face to face consultations in order to provide a recommendation to Ofsted. Ofsted will require the use of E-Systems, such as secure portals, that will be accessed by applicants and provide Ofsted with transparent case tracking. The estimated total value on this contract is based on the anticipated spend of 250 000 GBP per year. The contract will be for an initial 3 year period with possible extensions up to a further 2 years. Ofsted require a health advice service to inform its decision on applications from those who wish to provide, or manage, childcare or children's social care across England. The supplier will be required to provide recommendations on applicants suitability to register for the role. This will involve the consideration of referrals from those with declared non-complex and complex mental and physical health conditions. It may require further medical evidence and specialist reports or face to face consultations in order to provide a recommendation to Ofsted. Face to face consultations, where appropriate will need to be conducted within reasonable travel distance to applicants homes. Ofsted will require the use of E-Systems, such as secure portals, that will be accessed by applicants and provide Ofsted with transparent case tracking. Ofsted plan to publish the publish the ‘call to competition’ by mid January 2017.
Publish date
8 years ago
Buyer information
Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted)
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- Leslee Draper
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