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Development & Maintenance Consultancy Framework



Grŵp Cynefin have identified the need to procure a Development Consultant Framework predominantly for the Grŵp Cynefin development team but with the inclusion of a Maintenance specific lot. The intention is to publish a Contract Notice on Sell2Wales and Find a Tender Service and for tenders to be submitted electronically via Grŵp Cynefin’s Procurement Platform. It is intended for the proposed framework to be accessible by all contracting authorities across North Wales. This PIN is issued to provide economic operators suitable advance knowledge that a tender is likely to be issued. It allows opportunity for expressions of interest and feedback on the proposed structure for the framework (in accordance with regulation 40 of the Public Contracts Regulations). Therefore when the full contract notice is published (currently forecast for July 2022), the final structure of the framework (i.e. number and requirements of the lots) may be adjusted. Lot 8: Mechanical and Electrical Mechanical and electrical engineering services. Lot 9: Ecological, Biodiversity, and Environmental Services Ecological, Biodiversity, and Environmental Services - to potentially include archology/watching brief, and arboriculture. Lot 10: Principal Designer (CDM) Principal Designer (CDM) services, including CDM advisors. Provision of consultancy services in compliance with the requirements of the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015. Expectation is that when appointed the Service Provider’s role shall be to plan, manage and monitor the pre-construction phase and co-ordinate health & safety. Lot 11: Retrofit Retrofit consultancy services, including Assessor, Coordinator, Designer, and Evaluator. Lot 12: Multidisciplinary / Super Lot Lot for economic operators that can provide a wide-range (if not all) of the services identified in the other lots of the proposed framework. Lot 13: Valuers Scope of services likely to be required includes the following types of valuations but is not limited to only these: - Market value of land/property for acquisition/disposal purposes - Market value of sale plots (for disposal purpose) - Market rental values for new rental plots - Reinstatement costs for new plots for insurance purposes - Market value for resale of shared ownership homes - Market value of shared ownership homes for stair casing purposes - Revaluations of market rent portfolio - Revaluations of affordable rent portfolio - Valuations of homes to be disposed of via Right to Buy and Right to Acquire - Valuation of freehold interest - Compensation valuation in cases where we wish to acquire property from leaseholders (i.e. market value and statutory home loss/disturbance payments) Lot 14: Asbestos Inspections Asbestos inspections/survey services. Lot 15: Maintenance Organisations able to provide the following services: - Development of Scope of Works and Specification - Preparation of Formal Tender Documents - Lead Designer - Cost Control - Contract Document Preparation - Project Management - Clerk of Works Lot 1: Architect To include: - Landscape Architect - TOPO Inspections - Arboriculture Lot 2: Planning Consultant Planning consultants, may include language assessments, and guidance on building preservation. Lot 3: Building Surveyor Building surveying activities. Lot 4: Party wall surveyor Party wall surveying services. Lot 5: Fire Safety Consultants Fire Safety Consultancy Services Lot 6: Engineers Engineer services, including: - Transport Assessment - Floods Engineer - Civil Engineer - Structural Engineer Lot 7: Quantity Surveyor, Clerk of Works and Project Manager Quantity Surveyors, Clerk of Works and Project Managers.


Publish date

3 years ago

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Grwp Cynefin

Phil Williams

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