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Single Living Accommodation-Programmatic Approach Framework Alliance Contract (SLA-PA FAC) Agreement



Bowmer & Kirkland Ltd, KIER McAVOY CONSORTIUM, KIER METEK CONSORTIUM, Laing O'Rourke Explore, REDS10 (UK) Limited


1,100,000,000 GBP


The objective of the SLA-PA, a priority DIO initiative, is to improve the provision of modern, sustainable accommodation across the Defence Estate; replacing sub-standard accommodation using modern methods of construction with off-site fabrication / manufacture to create an efficient delivery model achieving pace, quality, continuous improvement and efficiency to deliver Value for Money to the taxpayer and improve the Lived Experience for members of our Armed Forces. MOD is upgrading, renovating, and replacing accommodation where it is required across all four Front Line Commands (FLCs). Legacy issues in the planning, procurement, and siloed delivery approach of SLA have driven the need to establish an SLA Commercial Model that will enable efficient and effective end-to-end outcomes of capital investments for Defence pan the UK estate. The SLA-PA requirement is being competitively procured and intends to appoint six (6) supply chain partners ("Alliance Members") of equal standing under a Framework Alliance Contract (FAC-1) Agreement to deliver the DIO SLA pipeline programme of works over the next six (6) years. The procurement has been conducted in accordance with the competitive award procedure under the Crown Commercial Service (CCS), Offsite Construction Solutions (OCS), Framework Agreement (FA) [RM6184], Lot 5 - Defence (Turnkey Solutions), Sub-Lots 5.1 (3D) and 5.2 (2D), in accordance with the Public Contract Regulations (PCR).


Award date

4 months ago

Publish date

3 months ago

Buyer information

Ministry of Defence

Karen Carter

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