Heriot Watt University tenders and contracts
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Edinburgh, United Kingdom
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Further and Higher EducationUniversity
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Decision makers at Heriot Watt University
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Chief Officer
C-level & Execs
Director - Student Support
Redacted nameHR & Training, Operations, Service Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Director of Administration & School Registrar
Redacted nameAdmin & Support, Operations, Service Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Human Resource Development Director
Redacted nameHR & Trainingredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891CEO & Provost
Redacted nameIT & Digital, Service Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Student Recruitment
Redacted nameMarketing, Communications & Sales, Operations, Service Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Assistant Principal-Development
Redacted nameMarketing, Communications & Salesredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Exec Director of ORIAM & Asst Dir of Campus Servs
Redacted nameEducator, Service Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Director of Governance & Legal Services
Redacted nameLegal & Complianceredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Director of Enterprise, Impact & Innovation
Redacted nameEducator, IT & Digitalredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Director-Academic Leadership & Research Dvlpmnt
Redacted nameHR & Training, Operationsredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Chief Executive Officer-Student Union
Redacted nameService Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Executive Director of Global Marketing
Redacted nameAdmin & Support, HR & Training, Marketing, Communications & Sales, Operations, Service Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Director of Research & Enterprise
Redacted nameIT & Digitalredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Director of Administration
Redacted nameAdmin & Supportredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Deputy Principal - Staff Development & Engagement
Redacted nameMarketing, Communications & Salesredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Global Chief Financial Officer
Redacted nameFinance, IT & Digital, Marketing, Communications & Salesredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Global Director for Estates & Facilities
Redacted nameMarketing, Communications & Sales, Operationsredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Senior Deputy Principal
Redacted nameOperationsredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Vice Principal & Head of Dubai Campus
Redacted nameOperationsredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Director of Research
Redacted nameIT & Digitalredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Campus Services & Student Accommodation
Redacted nameOperationsredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Group Management Accountant
Redacted nameFinanceredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Provost and Vice Principal
Redacted nameEducator, IT & Digitalredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Director of Information Services
Redacted nameEducator, IT & Digitalredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Deputy Principal (Enterprise & Business)
Redacted nameMarketing, Communications & Salesredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Deputy Principal (Research & Innovation)
Redacted nameIT & Digitalredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Director of Strategic Planning and Performance
Redacted nameMarketing, Communications & Sales, Operationsredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Director of Learning & Teaching
Redacted nameEducator, IT & Digital, Service Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Director of Careers Advisory Service
Redacted nameService Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891
Head of Assurance Services
Redacted nameFinanceredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Organisational Development
Redacted nameHR & Trainingredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Health & Safety Services
Redacted nameLegal & Complianceredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of School of Social Sciences
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Financial Controller
Redacted nameFinanceredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Printing Services Manager
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Research Engagement
Redacted nameIT & Digital, Legal & Complianceredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Deputy Principal for Education & Student Life
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Information Infrastructure Services
Redacted nameIT & Digitalredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891General Manager-Hospitality Services
Redacted nameOperationsredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Marketing & Communications Manager
Redacted nameMarketing, Communications & Salesredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Programme Director - REM
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Student Systems
Redacted nameIT & Digital, Service Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Employee Relations & Policy
Redacted nameHR & Training, Operationsredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Corporate Governance
Redacted nameAdmin & Support, Legal & Compliance, Operationsredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Procurement
Redacted nameProcurementredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Student Service Centre
Redacted nameEducator, Health Service, Operations, Service Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Financial Controller
Redacted nameFinanceredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Deputy Principal of Research and Impact
Redacted nameIT & Digitalredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Property Management Estates Office
Redacted nameOperationsredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891University Secretary
Redacted nameAdmin & Support, IT & Digitalredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Reward & Employee Relations
Redacted nameHR & Trainingredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of School of Mathematics & Computer Studies
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Academic & Learner Services
Redacted nameEducator, Service Deliveryredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Academic Registrar
Redacted nameAdmin & Support, Operationsredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of School - Textiles & Design
Redacted nameEducatorredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Marketing
Redacted nameIT & Digital, Marketing, Communications & Salesredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891Head of Research Support & Resource Services
Redacted nameIT & Digital, Operationsredacted_email@subdomain.gov.uk+44 1234 567 891
Top suppliers to Heriot Watt University
Explore relationships between Heriot Watt University and suppliers to understand where partner opportunities exist, and competitor incumbents prevail.
Supplier name | SME? | Number of awards | View awards |
Photon Spot Inc. | Yes | 4 | View awards |
Online Education Services | Unknown | 4 | View awards |
Viridor | Unknown | 4 | View awards |
Gailarde Limited | Yes | 4 | View awards |
Curio London | Unknown | 4 | View awards |
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Explore topics of interest to Heriot Watt University
Explore similar open tenders, recent contract awards and upcoming contract expiries, based on topics relating to Heriot Watt University
- Construction work
- IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
- Education and training services
- Software package and information systems
- Research and development services and related consultancy services
- Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
- Building construction work
- Business services: law, marketing, consulting, recruitment, printing and security
- Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)
- Business and management consultancy and related services
- Supply services of personnel including temporary staff
- Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
- Research services
- Refurbishment work
- Recruitment services
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