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North Eastern Universities Purchasing Consortium (NEUPC) tenders and contracts

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Leeds, United Kingdom

Buyer type

Further and Higher EducationPurchasing Consortium

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North Eastern Universities Purchasing Consortium (NEUPC) tenders & contracts

  • Open

    Published a month ago

    Engineering & Textiles Machines, Ancillary Products, Materials & Consumables

    price-tag-icon100,000,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 25/04/2025

    Engineering & Textiles Machines, Ancillary Products, Materials & Consumables (as listed in each Lot)

  • Open

    Published a month ago

    Conservation Works and Maintenance Services

    price-tag-icon60,000,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 25/03/2025

    This invitation to tender is issued by North Eastern Universities Purchasing Consortium ("NEUPC") for the establishment of a new framework agreement for its members to provide a compliant route to market for the provision of Conservation Works and Cyclica...

  • Open

    Published a month ago

    Conservation Works and Maintenance Services

    price-tag-icon60,000,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 25/03/2025

    This invitation to tender is issued by North Eastern Universities Purchasing Consortium ("NEUPC") for the establishment of a new framework agreement for its members to provide a compliant route to market for the provision of Conservation Works and Cyclica...

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  • Open

    Published 7 months ago

    Engineering & Textiles Machines, Ancillary Products, Materials & Consumables

    price-tag-icon100,000,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 25/04/2025

    Engineering & Textiles Machines, Ancillary Products, Materials & Consumables (as listed in each Lot) Lot 1: Drilling Machines Drilling Machines (including but not limited to) Deep-Hole Drilling Machine Gang Drilling Machine Multi-Spindle Drilling Machine ...


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Supplier nameSME?Number of awardsView awards
Julian Roche Associates LtdUnknown20View awards
GV MultimediaYes20View awards
Lucion Services LimitedYes19View awards
Cinderella Cleaning Contractor LtdYes18View awards
CDEC LtdYes17View awards

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