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Scottish Water is looking to refresh its intranet and is seeking a technical partner to help develop, deliver and maintain the solution.
Lot 1:
Scottish Water is looking to refresh its intranet and is seeking a technical partner to help develop, deliver ...
The Agreement enables AW to scale its teams through resource augmentation for ongoing operational support and enhancements, including regulatory changes, system upgrades, process optimisation, and transformation initiatives. The supplied resources will c...
The Council wishes to invite further competition responses for the supply of services in respect of Newark & Sherwood District Council are looking to migrate its core telephony solution from an existing cloud-based solution to Microsoft Teams Phone System...
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Met Éireann, the National Meteorological Service of Ireland, seeks to procure an off-the-shelf ICT solution to be installed into cloud Infrastructure provided by Met Éireann. The purpose of this Solution will be to support the Management, Processing, Anal...
Avon Fire & Rescue (AFRS) are looking to move to a cloud based, single solution Fleet Management System that fits the requirements of the Service. This will provide a standardised approach that will assist with ensuring legal compliance and delivering mea...
The University requires a cloud-based Learning Management System (LMS) / Learning Experience Platform (LXP) to support workplace learning for approximately 3,400 staff. The LMS must facilitate an integrated, seamless learning experience accessible via bo...
NHS England (NHSE) are seeking to extend the existing DPS to support the national approach to the digitisation of Lloyd George records in GP practices. Corresponding TED notice reference is 2020/S 027-063375 published on 7 August 2020.
The National Commer...
The Council is seeking to procure an integrated ANPR car park vehicle counting system which uses cameras mounted on poles & buildings to feed data back to a cloud based hosted software platform which provides template reports showing length of stay and oc...
The MAC are seeking a Supplier that is committed to providing a comprehensive system of Multi-Functional and Reprographic Devices, that leverages cloud technology, to comply with the MAC’s Digital Strategy. The chosen Supplier will also be responsible for...
The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform (the ‘Contracting Authority’) is issuing this request for applications to participate (‘RFATP’) in a Dynamic Purchasing System (‘DPS’) as a central purchasing body (‘CPB’). The Office of Government Procuremen...
This Framework will be comprised of a group of proven technology providers to deliver defined scope projects and programmes either in full or discrete parts thereof across the known and expected technologies within Anglian Water's landscape. These includ...
The MAC are seeking a Supplier that is committed to providing a comprehensive system of Multi-Functional and Reprographic Devices, that leverages cloud technology, to comply with the MAC's Digital Strategy. The chosen Supplier will also be responsible for...
We highlight data on buying trends and current opportunities for suppliers to get involved in with various central, local and third party government organisations. Browse them below: