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Engineering-related scientific and technical services tenders & contracts

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    Published today

    Peatland Restoration - Peat Depth Survey and Herbivore Impact Assessment

    price-tag-icon10,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 22/04/2025

    Peatland Restoration - Peat Depth Survey and Herbivore Impact Assessment Lot 1: Peatland Restoration - Peat Depth Survey and Herbivore Impact Assessment Auchlyne and Suie Estate

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    Published 2 days ago

    Matter Injection Technology Testing

    time-iconClose date: 16/04/2025

    The purpose of this MEN is to assess the industry appetite for furthering the design of key matter injection technologies and future bids for work packages relating to the following planned testing: 6.3. Gas Gun Development for SPI, Centrifuge development...

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    Published 3 days ago

    T25-034CAP Middle and Lower Creggan Reservoirs Site Investigation and Geophysical survey – Re-Issue

    time-iconClose date: 25/04/2025

    Derry City and Strabane District Council invites tenders for Intrusive and non-intrusive ground investigation works are required across the existing Middle Creggan and Lower Creggan dam embankments and spillways. The ground investigation is required to as...

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    Published 4 days ago

    NM04209-0008 - Supply of Specialist Services for National Monuments Service Annual Archaeology Conference

    time-iconClose date: 16/04/2025

    The National Monuments Service proposes to hold a 1-day themed archaeology conference to highlight the significance of Ireland’s archaeological heritage. The 1 day thematic conference will be held in in Trinity College Dublin on 18 October 2025. It will a...

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    Published 5 days ago

    TII427 Archaeology Framework

    price-tag-icon3,000,000 EURtime-iconClose date: 25/04/2025

    Project Archaeologist and Associated Framework Managing archaeological works on a specific scheme either based in Parkgate Street or one of the regional offices (either TII or Local Authority) either as Project Archaeologist or Resident Archaeologist. Pre...

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    Published 5 days ago

    The provision of ecological services to carry out boat-based visual surveys for Bottlenose dolphin in the West Connacht Coast SAC

    time-iconClose date: 21/04/2025

    As part of Ireland’s conservation obligations concerning cetaceans there is a significant requirement for the monitoring of cetacean occurrence in all Irish waters. The State also has a legal obligation through the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) to monito...

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    Published 5 days ago

    Asbestos Services Framework

    price-tag-icon12,000,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 02/05/2025

    Tender for setting up of a three lot framework for asbestos surveying, analytics and removal services Lot 1: Asbestos Surveying Surveying properties to identify asbestos and inform asbestos removal works Lot 2: Asbestos Analytics Analysis of air quality ...

  • Open

    Published 5 days ago

    Asbestos Services Framework

    price-tag-icon12,000,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 02/05/2025

    Tender for setting up of a three lot framework for asbestos surveying, analytics and removal services Lot 1: Asbestos Surveying Surveying properties to identify asbestos and inform asbestos removal works Lot 2: Asbestos Analytics Analysis of air quality ...

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    Published 10 days ago

    Hydrogen-3 Advanced Technology (H3AT) – Liquid Nitrogen Storage and Distribution System

    time-iconClose date: 04/04/2025

    UKAEA wishes to engage with cryogenic contractors, Small to Medium Enterprises (SME), designers and manufacturers for the supply of a liquid nitrogen (LN2) storage and delivery system for the Tritium Plant located in the new Hydrogen 3 Advanced Technology...

  • Open

    Published 11 days ago

    SCC 2025/0044 Air Quality Services (Phase 2 to 4) - N16 Sligo to Drumkilsellagh

    time-iconClose date: 11/04/2025

    An Air Quality specialist (The Consultant) will be required to carry out specialist studies relating to Air Quality Impact Assessments on the N16 Sligo to Drumkilsellagh Project. These studies will form part of the Phase 2: Option Selection, Phase 3: Desi...

  • Open

    Published 16 days ago

    Request for Services for Informing long-term management and monitoring for biodiversity in a developed agricultural setting at Brú na Bóinne National Park

    time-iconClose date: 03/04/2025

    The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) is seeking tenders for a Master’s (MSc) study of biodiversity at Brú na Bóinne National Park, acquired by the State in 2023. The research Master’s, anticipated to be of 24 months’ duration, will consist of bu...

  • Open

    Published 16 days ago

    Ballinasloe ORIS Outdoor Recreation Park Feasibility Study and Prelim Design

    price-tag-icon50,000 EURtime-iconClose date: 24/04/2025

    Provision of professional consultancy services to develop a high-level feasibility study and preliminary design for an Outdoor Recreation Park located at Ballinasloe, Co. Galway.

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