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Award of PM000236 - HH Donnelly House Refurbishment



Marshall Construction Ltd


4,621,312 GBP


The development is limited to Donnelly House and its immediate environs. However,there are a number of buildings adjacent to the site, which will remain in occupation and use during the course of the works. The site compound will be located in the Donnelly House car park.Replacement of existing roofing with insulated system, roof access, new PV installation, replacement roof mounted ventilation plant, replacement of stairwell rooflights, addition of cavity wall insulation, replacement of stairwell infill panels, replacement double glazed window units (existing windows are single glazed) and internal redecoration works. External façade power wash clean, upgrading the AFDS (Automatic Fire Detection System) to bring it up to L2 standard and installation of an electronic door access system with associated infrastructure (power, data etc.). Replacement lighting, small power and data. Replacement fit out of kitchens and bathrooms.New bedroom furniture and loose kitchen furniture is to be procured via the main contract and it is anticipated these items will be supplied and installed during the contract period by the main contractor.


Award date

4 months ago

Publish date

2 months ago

Buyer information

University of Stirling


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