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Provision for Internal Audit Services



Hybu Cig Cymru-Meat Promotion Wales (HCC) seeks to procure an Internal Audit Service to deliver a three-year rolling audit plan and Audit Strategy with the contract to commence on 1 April 2024. The intention is to procure a suitably qualified and experienced Internal Auditor (the successful Supplier) to provide a comprehensive Internal Audit Service in accordance with Public Sector Internal Audit Standards to HCC. HCC seeks to procure and implement an internal audit service that, as a minimum expectation, delivers an efficient and effective internal audit programme, but that also provides added-value through the provision of expert and informed insight leveraging the successful Supplier’s experience of both the wider public sector and private industry for the benefit of HCC. The successful Supplier is expected to dispense honest and constructive recommendations, advice and guidance in response to completed audit activity, as well as providing suggested actions and resolutions / mitigations. It would be advantageous and beneficial should the successful Supplier provide further constructive feedback based on best practice and benchmarking insight attained via previous experience of similar and wider audit activity to ensure tailored audit findings to HCC to ensure effective continuous improvement. The successful Supplier is expected to work with HCC to develop, agree and implement the annual audit plan, to provide proactive advice and guidance with regards to the ongoing audit plan(s) and auditing in general and to provide progress reporting against the HCC Board Assurance Framework (BAF). Full details of the requirement and tender award criteria are presented in the Invitation to Tender document, available via Sell2Wales.


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a year ago

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a year ago

Buyer information

Hybu Cig Cymru-Meat Promotion Wales

Gareth I L Jones FCCA

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