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7,500,000 GBP


Greener Ealing Ltd ("Authority) is procuring via open procedure under CPR 2015 regs (Contract Procurement Regulation) for annual insurance cover for Computer, Liability, Fidelity Guarantee, Motor Fleet, Engineering Inspection, Group Personal Accident & Travel. Contract commencing on 1st July 2025 for the contract term of three years with a further one extension option of a further two years. Indicative contract term value of 7,500,000. Lot 1: Lot 1 Please refer to ITT pack for instructions and further requirements on Lot 1.  Tenders must be submitted solely based on the tendering instructions and specification included in this tender pack. Unless specifically stated otherwise in any tender document, qualified Tenders will not be accepted.<br/> The award criteria are set out within the Evaluation Sheet for each Lot. They comprise both Financial (price) and Non-Financial (policy cover, claims service and Social Value) criteria.<br/> Please ensure you respond to each element of the evaluation criteria for each Lot you submit. To ensure you receive marks for the items requested you must complete and submit the Evaluation Sheet for the Lot/s for which you are Tendering. Failure to do so will result in no evaluation of your Tender under a particular lot, or in its entirety.<br/> Each Bidder / Insurer will be awarded a score out of 100% for each Lot. <br/> All individual Lots will be evaluated separately, and the Company categorically reserves the right to place individual Lots with separate Economic Operators irrespective of any package conditions put forward by any Economic Operators. <br/> In the event of one or more bids under lot 3, alongside bids under each of Lots 1 and 2, then the best available combination of bids (highest scoring) under Lots 1 and 3 will be considered against the highest scoring bid under lot 3, to identify the Most Economically Advantageous Tender.<br/> Economic Operators are requested to indicate in the yellow boxes provided within each Evaluation Sheet - using the drop-down menus, where applicable, whether their Tender includes or does not include the item(s) requested.<br/> There is a menu option "Please State Variation" against each requirement; this option should be selected where the Economic Operator cannot comply with any of the requirements of any given Lot, but, can offer similar cover, or, where the Economic Operator is providing the cover, but under another Lot. The Economic Operator must clearly indicate the nature of the variant cover being offered and, where appropriate, the Lot where the core cover is provided within the column marked "Additional Comments, Subjectivities, Variations and/or Exceptions".<br/> By completing and returning the Evaluation spreadsheets the Economic Operator is accepting that the final points awarded are at the sole discretion of the Company. <br/> Please note that the Economic Operator must evidence any Policy Cover, Claims Handling Requirements, Service Delivery and / or Social Value being provided via their Tender response, method statement, quotation, endorsement and/or policy wording. Where this is not provided Marsh and/or the Company reserve the right to reduce points accordingly.<br/> Please note that the Evaluation Sheets/Tabs should be read in conjunction with this Invitation to Tender document, attaching appendices and the accompanying risk information.<br/> All the Evaluation sheets/tabs relating to the Lot(s) the Economic Operator is Tendering for should be completed and returned with the Economic Operator’s Tender response / submission. Failure to do so will result in the Economic Operator’s Tender response / submission not being considered for evaluation.<br/> The Company retains the right not to award one or more of the lots tendered.<br/> The Company may require the successful Bidders / Insurers to be available for a detailed clarification meeting to discuss their Tender response.<br/> The Company reserves the right not to award the Contract to the lowest bidder / Insurer, reserving also the right to accept the same in whole or in part. <br/> The Company reserves the right to ‘disqualify’ any bidder / Insurer that the Company judges upon investigation to be incapable of fulfilling the contract requirements of a particular Lot.<br/> The Company reserves the right to ‘disqualify’ any bid that is ‘qualified’ or tries to change the terms on which the Tender response is submitted.<br/> The Company reserves the right not to award the Contract to any bidder / Insurer if an unacceptable change in circumstances occurs during the procurement process. <br/> The Company will award the Contract in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 Lot 2: Lot 2 Please refer to ITT pack for instructions and further requirements on Lot 2. Tenders must be submitted solely based on the tendering instructions and specification included in this tender pack. Unless specifically stated otherwise in any tender document, qualified Tenders will not be accepted.<br/> The award criteria are set out within the Evaluation Sheet for each Lot. They comprise both Financial (price) and Non-Financial (policy cover, claims service and Social Value) criteria.<br/> Please ensure you respond to each element of the evaluation criteria for each Lot you submit. To ensure you receive marks for the items requested you must complete and submit the Evaluation Sheet for the Lot/s for which you are Tendering. Failure to do so will result in no evaluation of your Tender under a particular lot, or in its entirety.<br/> Each Bidder / Insurer will be awarded a score out of 100% for each Lot.<br/> All individual Lots will be evaluated separately, and the Company categorically reserves the right to place individual Lots with separate Economic Operators irrespective of any package conditions put forward by any Economic Operators.<br/> In the event of one or more bids under lot 3, alongside bids under each of Lots 1 and 2, then the best available combination of bids (highest scoring) under Lots 1 and 3 will be considered against the highest scoring bid under lot 3, to identify the Most Economically Advantageous Tender.<br/> Economic Operators are requested to indicate in the yellow boxes provided within each Evaluation Sheet - using the drop-down menus, where applicable, whether their Tender includes or does not include the item(s) requested.<br/> There is a menu option "Please State Variation" against each requirement; this option should be selected where the Economic Operator cannot comply with any of the requirements of any given Lot, but, can offer similar cover, or, where the Economic Operator is providing the cover, but under another Lot. The Economic Operator must clearly indicate the nature of the variant cover being offered and, where appropriate, the Lot where the core cover is provided within the column marked "Additional Comments, Subjectivities, Variations and/or Exceptions".<br/> By completing and returning the Evaluation spreadsheets the Economic Operator is accepting that the final points awarded are at the sole discretion of the Company.<br/> Please note that the Economic Operator must evidence any Policy Cover, Claims Handling Requirements, Service Delivery and / or Social Value being provided via their Tender response, method statement, quotation, endorsement and/or policy wording. Where this is not provided Marsh and/or the Company reserve the right to reduce points accordingly.<br/> Please note that the Evaluation Sheets/Tabs should be read in conjunction with this Invitation to Tender document, attaching appendices and the accompanying risk information.<br/> All the Evaluation sheets/tabs relating to the Lot(s) the Economic Operator is Tendering for should be completed and returned with the Economic Operator’s Tender response / submission. Failure to do so will result in the Economic Operator’s Tender response / submission not being considered for evaluation.<br/> The Company retains the right not to award one or more of the lots tendered.<br/> The Company may require the successful Bidders / Insurers to be available for a detailed clarification meeting to discuss their Tender response.<br/> The Company reserves the right not to award the Contract to the lowest bidder / Insurer, reserving also the right to accept the same in whole or in part.<br/> The Company reserves the right to ‘disqualify’ any bidder / Insurer that the Company judges upon investigation to be incapable of fulfilling the contract requirements of a particular Lot.<br/> The Company reserves the right to ‘disqualify’ any bid that is ‘qualified’ or tries to change the terms on which the Tender response is submitted.<br/> The Company reserves the right not to award the Contract to any bidder / Insurer if an unacceptable change in circumstances occurs during the procurement process.<br/> The Company will award the Contract in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 Lot 3 (Combination of Lot 1 and Lot 2): Lot 3 Combination of Lot 1 and Lot 2) Please refer to ITT pack for instructions and further requirements on Lot 3. Tenders must be submitted solely based on the tendering instructions and specification included in this tender pack. Unless specifically stated otherwise in any tender document, qualified Tenders will not be accepted.<br/> The award criteria are set out within the Evaluation Sheet for each Lot. They comprise both Financial (price) and Non-Financial (policy cover, claims service and Social Value) criteria.<br/> Please ensure you respond to each element of the evaluation criteria for each Lot you submit. To ensure you receive marks for the items requested you must complete and submit the Evaluation Sheet for the Lot/s for which you are Tendering. Failure to do so will result in no evaluation of your Tender under a particular lot, or in its entirety.<br/> Each Bidder / Insurer will be awarded a score out of 100% for each Lot.<br/> All individual Lots will be evaluated separately, and the Company categorically reserves the right to place individual Lots with separate Economic Operators irrespective of any package conditions put forward by any Economic Operators.<br/> In the event of one or more bids under lot 3, alongside bids under each of Lots 1 and 2, then the best available combination of bids (highest scoring) under Lots 1 and 3 will be considered against the highest scoring bid under lot 3, to identify the Most Economically Advantageous Tender.<br/> Economic Operators are requested to indicate in the yellow boxes provided within each Evaluation Sheet - using the drop-down menus, where applicable, whether their Tender includes or does not include the item(s) requested.<br/> There is a menu option "Please State Variation" against each requirement; this option should be selected where the Economic Operator cannot comply with any of the requirements of any given Lot, but, can offer similar cover, or, where the Economic Operator is providing the cover, but under another Lot. The Economic Operator must clearly indicate the nature of the variant cover being offered and, where appropriate, the Lot where the core cover is provided within the column marked "Additional Comments, Subjectivities, Variations and/or Exceptions".<br/> By completing and returning the Evaluation spreadsheets the Economic Operator is accepting that the final points awarded are at the sole discretion of the Company.<br/> Please note that the Economic Operator must evidence any Policy Cover, Claims Handling Requirements, Service Delivery and / or Social Value being provided via their Tender response, method statement, quotation, endorsement and/or policy wording. Where this is not provided Marsh and/or the Company reserve the right to reduce points accordingly.<br/> Please note that the Evaluation Sheets/Tabs should be read in conjunction with this Invitation to Tender document, attaching appendices and the accompanying risk information.<br/> All the Evaluation sheets/tabs relating to the Lot(s) the Economic Operator is Tendering for should be completed and returned with the Economic Operator’s Tender response / submission. Failure to do so will result in the Economic Operator’s Tender response / submission not being considered for evaluation.<br/> The Company retains the right not to award one or more of the lots tendered.<br/> The Company may require the successful Bidders / Insurers to be available for a detailed clarification meeting to discuss their Tender response.<br/> The Company reserves the right not to award the Contract to the lowest bidder / Insurer, reserving also the right to accept the same in whole or in part.<br/> The Company reserves the right to ‘disqualify’ any bidder / Insurer that the Company judges upon investigation to be incapable of fulfilling the contract requirements of a particular Lot.<br/> The Company reserves the right to ‘disqualify’ any bid that is ‘qualified’ or tries to change the terms on which the Tender response is submitted.<br/> The Company reserves the right not to award the Contract to any bidder / Insurer if an unacceptable change in circumstances occurs during the procurement process.<br/> The Company will award the Contract in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015


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London Borough of Ealing

Abigail Acosta

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