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24 058 - Tatton Park Car Parking



Admission Control (uk) Ltd


175,000 GBP


The Tatton Management Team is seeking a company to operate the car parking and traffic flow management contract on the estate here at Tatton Park for a period of 3 years + 1 + 1. We are seeking a professional organisation with a proven track record to operate under a pressurised environment, flexibly during a seasonal operation. The contractor will be expected to offer a car park service principally through the high season at Tatton Park, i.e. March to October and for other special events held at Tatton outside this period such as for the Christmas events. \r \r This procurement exercise will be conducted on Cheshire East Borough Council electronic Contract and Tender Management System at the Organisations will be invited to bid and will need to provide the additional required information through the Contract and Tender Management System. If you have any technical problems with The Contract and Tender Management System please contact the help-desk on: or 0330 005 0352. In order to participate, providers must register, complete and upload completed documentation and submit this via the Chest at the link provided in this notice. The project reference on The Chest is DN737198. The values given in this notice are only estimations - the Council gives no guarantee or warranty or makes any representation as to the accuracy of any indicative values


Award date

2 months ago

Publish date

5 days ago

Buyer information

Cheshire East Council

Alex Jones

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