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Provision of Insourcing Services



North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative, as the Authority on behalf of NHS Workforce Alliance are looking to conduct a new procurement process to put in place a Framework Agreement for the Provision of Insourcing of Health Services for use by NHS organisations. The framework shall provide access to a wide variety of insourced service solutions in support of the delivery of compliant and high quality patient focused healthcare.<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/>NHS Workforce Alliance partners include:<br/>• NHS Commercial Solutions<br/>• East of England NHS Collaborative Procurement Hub<br/>• NHS London Procurement Partnership<br/>• NHS North of England Commercial Procurement Collaborative<br/>• Crown Commercial Service<br/><br/><br/><br/>This procurement will be run under The Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. At this stage we are looking to engage with the market to identify interested potential bidders and seek market feedback on options for developing the scope, lotting structure and pricing model for the new Insourcing Services agreement. We are also looking to ascertain any market/supplier risks associated with meeting the objectives of the agreement.<br/><br/><br/><br/>Any interested parties will be invited to a Supplier Engagement webinar via Microsoft Teams being held on Tuesday 11th February 2025 at 9:30am As part of the engagement webinar, there will also be a session on Social Value to seek market views on potential social value elements and to support the market in understanding best approach to developing bidders tender responses. During the webinar there will also be an opportunity to ask any relevant questions.<br/><br/><br/>If your organisation is interested in attending the above detailed supplier engagement webinar, and/ or would like to contribute to the market engagement activity, please confirm the names, positions, organisation name, email address and telephone number of proposed attendees in the requirement envelope Question 1.<br/><br/>Interested suppliers are asked to register on the portal and express their interest via project C333636 Provision of Insourcing Services PIN and enter your details via the response envelope within the project.<br/><br/><br/>The Atamis portal can be accessed at:<br/><br/><br/>It is free to register on the portal. Should you have any queries, or encounter any problems with the portal; these should be raised via the Atamis helpdesk at:<br/><br/> or phone number 0800 9956035<br/>The helpdesk is open Monday – Friday between 9am – 5.30pm<br/><br/><br/>Details must be submitted by 12 noon on Monday 10th February 2025. Lot 1: Insourced Services Insourcing of clinical service solutions in support of the delivery of compliant and high quality patient focused healthcare. Additional information: 85100000-0<br/>85110000-3<br/>85111000-0<br/>85111100-1<br/>85111200-2<br/>85111300-3<br/>85111310-6<br/>85111320-9<br/>85111400-4<br/>85111500-5<br/>85111600-6<br/>85111700-7<br/>85111800-8<br/>85111810-1<br/>85111820-4<br/>85111900-9<br/>85112200-9<br/>85120000-6<br/>85121000-3<br/>85121100-4<br/>85121200-5<br/>85121210-8<br/>85121220-1<br/>85121230-4<br/>85121231-1<br/>85121232-8<br/>85121240-7<br/>85121250-0<br/>85121251-7<br/>85121252-4<br/>85121270-6<br/>85121271-3<br/>85121280-9<br/>85121281-6<br/>85121282-3<br/>85121283-0<br/>85121290-2<br/>85121291-9<br/>85121292-6<br/>85121300-6<br/>85130000-9<br/>85131000-6<br/>85131100-7<br/>85131110-0<br/>85140000-2<br/>85141000-9<br/>85141100-0<br/>85141200-1<br/>85141210-4<br/>85141211-1<br/>85141220-7<br/>85142000-6<br/>85142100-7<br/>85143000-3<br/>85144000-0<br/>85144100-1<br/>85145000-7<br/>85146000-4<br/>85146100-5<br/>85146200-6<br/>85148000-8<br/>85149000-5<br/>85150000-5<br/>85160000-8<br/>85323000-9<br/>85312330-1<br/>85312500-4 Lot 2: Managed Service Provision Master Service Provider would take on the responsibility of managing a number of insourced services, and the supply chain for those services to the standards set out in the framework agreement. The supply chain shall consist only of approved suppliers awarded onto the framework agreement, or approved subcontractors.


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2 months ago

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