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NW2025- Short Term Care Reablement Setting



Norfolk & Waveney ICB (NWICB) is seeking to commission short term Intermediate care settings reablement bed capacity to facilitate hospital discharge between 1st April 2025 – 31st March 2027. Lot 1: NHS Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board (referred to as the Commissioner) are inviting suitably qualified and experienced providers to engage with the ICB for the potential future provision of Short Term Care Reablement Setting.<br/><br/>The deadline for Short Term Reablement Setting responses is by 17.00pm hours on Friday 21st March. Please note this is a market testing exercise and does not commit the ICB to carry out any further procurement process.<br/><br/>Any future opportunity will be carried out in accordance with the ICB’s procurement obligations under the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 or the new Procurement Act 2023 and may be advertised openly to all or the Commissioner may select an appropriate framework agreement.<br/><br/>To respond please use the messaging function or the optional response template with the Atamis Procurement Portal – Project reference C344272. Please access via the ‘Live Opportunities’ list on the Atamis e-procurement system at the following link: You can search for the opportunity by entering the following contract ref C344272<br/><br/>Please note that we are unable to enter into direct discussions with one or more potential suppliers. If you do have any questions please submit via the messaging function within the Atamis Portal.


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3 days ago

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NHS Norfolk & Waveney Integrated Care Board

David Bailey

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