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NU/1433 The Provision of Business Consultancy to Assist Commercialisation of University Research



<p>Newcastle, Sunderland, Northumbria, Durham, Teeside universities together with the University of Bath on&nbsp;<br>behalf of the SETsquared Partnership (the Enterprise collaboration of the Universities of Bath, Bristol, Exeter,&nbsp;<br>Southampton and Surrey) and any other HE Institution that wishes to join this DPS, as detailed in the Office for&nbsp;<br>Students Register, will engage suitably qualified and experienced executives through the DPS as and when required over the DPS&nbsp;<br>period.</p> <p><br>The specific requirements will be detailed in each individual further competition. The typical brief of an executive&nbsp;<br>will be to:<br>(a) Produce a viable business plan;<br>(b) Obtain university approval for the venture;<br>(c) Act for the company in the spin-out legal process and address all company formation matters;<br>(d) Provide to the appropriate university all matters necessary for Research England and ESIF reporting&nbsp;<br>requirements;<br>(e) Secure (venture capital and/or other) funding in accordance with the business plan.</p> <p><br>This will be a cyclical process throughout the entire Research England, and potential ESIF project along with&nbsp;<br>any additional funding streams</p> Keywords: Reasearch England, business, dps, ESIF, spin-out, venture


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6 years ago

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in 10 months

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Newcastle University

Natalie Morton

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