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10,000,000 GBP


Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) part of the Ministry of Defence (MOD) requires a suitable contract to provide codification services to defence via the UK National Codification Bureau (UKNCB) to be in place prior to March 25. Cyber Risk profile is Low RAR – 240328A04. Quantity or scope: NATO Codification is the internationally agreed system under which military equipment and component parts, are uniformly named, described, and classified within electronic records. These electronic records are created and currently stored in the Codification Support Information System database. Each Item of Supply record is assigned a unique NATO Stock Number (NSN). The system provides a single supply language to promote logistics interoperability between participating nations. The UK National Codification Bureau (UK NCB) based at Kentigern House in Glasgow is the Sole Authority in the UK responsible for implementation and management of the UK’s participation in the overall NATO codification system. It is also responsible for oversight and management of the Codification contract, ensuring that the capability is in place to meet all Codification needs for the Ministry of Defence (MOD). The Codification Contractor is crucial in supporting and maintaining the UK MOD operational efficiency through streamlined and accurate NATO Codification efforts. UKNCB aims to sustain and enhance the efficiency and reliability of the MOD codification needs, ensuring seamless integration and cooperation within the broader NATO framework. The Provider is to collaborate closely with UKNCB to ensure all Codification activities are in line with established codification policies and procedures. All potential bidders should be advised, as part of tender evaluation you will be assessed on your capability to codify by means of an assessment process. The Codification Provider must Implement and maintain a Management System, certified by a third-party Certification Body, which has been accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS), or a signatory to the International Accreditation Forum – Multi Lateral Agreement (IAF-MLA). This shall include the production and maintenance of a Quality Manual, a copy of which shall be supplied to the Authority. The Management system is to be certified to ISO 9001:2015. The ISO 9001 management system is to be supplemented by the requirements of Allied Quality Assurance Publication AQAP 2110 – NATO QA Requirements for Design Development and Production. Duration of the contract is 24 months with option to extend via 2 x 12 months. Estimated value £8,000,000 to £10,000,000


Publish date

7 months ago

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6 months ago

Buyer information

Ministry of Defence

Attn: Towell Sue

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