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Market Interest Day - Submarine Disposal



The Ministry of Defence (MOD) is holding a Submarine Disposal Capability market interest day to engage with potential suppliers who could establish an enduring and resilient submarine disposal capability. Please follow the attached link to the Defence Sourcing Portal to register for the event. Please note that this is not a call for competition or a procurement exercise. This is an opportunity for the MOD to better understand the supplier market and for potential suppliers to provide feedback at a formative stage of the process. Lot 1: Submarine Disposal Capability Market Interest Day The Ministry of Defence (MOD) is holding a Submarine Disposal Capability market interest day on 6 July 2023. Hosted by the Director General Nuclear of the MOD and the Chief Executive Officer of the Submarine Delivery Agency, this is an important step towards establishing an enduring and resilient submarine disposal capability. The Submarine Disposal Capability Project has been established to inform a strategic investment decision. It will exploit lessons from the current Submarine Dismantling Project and the ongoing work in Devonport, encourage innovation and establish an enduring nuclear submarine disposal capability. Once established, this intergenerational capability will dispose of the UK's retired nuclear submarines and improve value for money for the UK taxpayer. Submarine disposal is considered across five core pillars: • Preparation for disposal. • Defueling. • Dismantling. • Recycling. • Waste management. The purpose of the market interest day is to: • Ensure awareness of the totality of the proposed submarine disposal capability. • Gauge the market's appetite, capacity and capabilities to dispose of retired nuclear submarines. • Provide the opportunity to discuss and inform the approach to submarine disposal. • Outline the MOD plans for future engagement. Please note that this is not a call for competition or a procurement exercise. This is an opportunity for the MOD to better understand the supplier market and for potential suppliers to provide feedback at a formative stage of the process. Additional information: How to Apply To attend the event, you must complete the attached form (see link below) and send a copy to no later than 1700 on 14 June 2023. Please note that this event will be hosted in-person. The location will be confirmed in the joining instructions. Please do not make any travel arrangements until you have received confirmation from MOD that your registration has been approved. Please be aware: • Depending on interest, we may limit attendees per company. • All attendees must be UK Nationals. Please note that this is not a call for competition or a procurement exercise. This is an opportunity for the MOD to better understand the supplier market and for potential suppliers to provide feedback at a formative stage of the process.


Publish date

8 months ago

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Ministry of Defence

Martin Hitchcox

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