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Cottsway Housing Association - Pre Market Engagement for the Procurement of Internal and External Audit Services



Cottsway has contracts in place for Internal and External Audit Services. Both contracts were last procured in 2020, and expire in April 2025. The procurement process for the new contracts is expected to commence in August 2024 and contracts are expected to be awarded by December 2024. The new contracts shall be procured in accordance with the Public Contracts Regulations 2015. The anticipated contract period is 3 years, with an option to extend for up to 2 additional years. Prior to launching the procurement process, Cottsway is undertaking a Pre Market Engagement exercise. The purpose of the Pre Market Engagement exercise is to: • Determine the market capacity for Internal and External Audit Services • Establish potential Bidder interest in the new contracts • Establish key risks and barriers • Establish innovative opportunities • Discuss procurement options and timescales • Establish cost drivers and indicative budgets • Understand the potential to generate Social Value • Shape the content of the Tender documentation For further details, including how to participate in the Pre Market Engagement, please refer to the attached Pre Market Engagement Brief. This Pre Market Engagement is being advertised on behalf of Cottsway Housing Association by Clarity Procurement Solutions Limited.


Publish date

10 months ago

Buyer information


Nathan Liptrot

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