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UKAD Learning Management System & Assurance Portal



130,000 GBP


The Clean Sport Hub is a learning platform for approximately 1,500 users per month which supplies education and accreditation to it's users. Along with learning programmes, the Clean Sport Hub also hosts the Assurance portal, an area where National Governing Bodies (NGBs) of sport report on anti-doping compliance. The Education team is looking for a LMS that can host its education services, providing users with a platform to gain accreditation. The platform will play host to several programmes that will be targeted to specific under groups and contain resources such as courses/ programmes, as well as other resource formats such as video files and PDFs. The ambition of the of the Clean Sport Hub is to become a platform in which can be used to monitor users' whole education journey, allowing administrators to monitor users progress both online and face-to-face delivery. The compliance of an NGB is measured through different submissions depending on what stage they are at. Each stage requires the NGB to submit evidence in order to give UKAD 'assurance' that they are meeting their anti-doping responsibilities. The Assurance team's requirement consists of two parts: - eLearning for NGBs - classic LMS functionality. - A submissions area, which is non-standard functionality, as described in the invitation to tender. Prospective bidders should refer to all attached tender documents, and submit their tender responses to


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UK Anti-Doping

Joe Bramley

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