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System, storage and content management software package tenders & contracts

  • Open

    Published 5 days ago


    time-iconClose date: 07/04/2025

    University College Dublin (UCD) would like to engage with a competent partner to provide the supply, installation, commissioning and support of a Peer Review Tool for Module and Teaching Evaluations. Full details available in the attached documents and av...

  • Open

    Published 7 days ago

    The Provision of Digital Governance Software

    price-tag-icon75,000 EURtime-iconClose date: 10/04/2025

    The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade requires a digital governance software application. This software platform must meet EU Accessibility obligations, while also providing search engine optimisation, content management and website risk management ...

  • Open

    Published a month ago

    Print and Associated Services Framework to include Hybrid Mail and Digital Transformation Solutions

    price-tag-icon100,000,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 07/04/2025

    The Framework will provide access to a comprehensive range of Print and Associated Services including Hybrid Mail and Digital Transformation Solutions. It is let by the University of Essex and is open for use by all contracting authorities across the publ...

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  • Open

    Published a month ago

    CA15282 - Print and Associated Services Framework to include Hybrid Mail and Digital Transformation Solutions

    price-tag-icon100,000,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 07/04/2025

    The Framework will provide access to a comprehensive range of Print and Associated Services including Hybrid Mail and Digital Transformation Solutions. It is let by the University of Essex and is open for use by all contracting authorities across the publ...

  • Open

    Published a year ago

    Digital Preservation Systems DPS

    price-tag-icon10,000,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 19/02/2029

    The Dynamic Purchasing System is being established by Jisc to provide Digital Preservation System solutions to institutions. Institutions generate, consume and keep enormous amounts of Digital Information (“Data”). In order to ensure the long-term sustain...

  • Open

    Published 2 years ago

    DPS Process for the Provision of a Compliance Management Information System (CMIS) Solution

    time-iconClose date: 31/05/2033

    The HSE is issuing this Request to Participate (“RTP”) in a Dynamic Purchasing System (hereafter ‘the DPS’) for the Provision of a Compliance Information Management System Solution also known as a Quality Information Management System (referred to as CMIS...

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