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Alcohol Care Team



Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust


2,040,000 GBP


This notice relates to the process set out in Regulation 10(9) of The Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. Following the completion of a standstill period at midnight on the 3rd February 2025 London Borough of Hounslow intend to appoint Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust to lead the provision of an Alcohol Care Team in Hounslow for 72 months delivering a wide range of Local Authority commissioned community health services to support delivery of these priorities: • Improve outcomes in population health and healthcare • Prevent ill-health and tackle inequalities in outcomes, experience, access to care • Enhance productivity and value for money • Support broader economic and social development Services to be delivered as part of the contract: The Alcohol Care Team (ACT) is a specialist multi-disciplinary team, based within West Middlesex University Hospital, working to reduce alcohol related health harms amongst the residents of Hounslow. The team screens and identifies those experiencing problematic alcohol use or dependency, both in A&E and across the hospital's wards. The ACT is required to offer a flexible response dependent on individual needs. This will range from brief interventions, to extended outreach appointments in the community post discharge, referrals and support into structured treatment and ambulatory detoxes where appropriate. The team will also continue to be responsible for training and supporting the wider hospital staff around optimal alcohol related treatment and care. The team make up includes both clinical and non-clinical staff, including a peer support worker with lived experience. Lot 1: This notice relates to the process set out in Regulation 10(9) of The Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. Following the completion of a standstill period at midnight on the 3rd February 2025 London Borough of Hounslow intend to appoint Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust to lead the provision of an Alcohol Care Team in Hounslow for 72 months delivering a wide range of Local Authority commissioned community health services to support delivery of these priorities: • Improve outcomes in population health and healthcare • Prevent ill-health and tackle inequalities in outcomes, experience, access to care • Enhance productivity and value for money • Support broader economic and social development Services to be delivered as part of the contract: The Alcohol Care Team (ACT) is a specialist multi-disciplinary team, based within West Middlesex University Hospital, working to reduce alcohol related health harms amongst the residents of Hounslow. The team screens and identifies those experiencing problematic alcohol use or dependency, both in A&E and across the hospital's wards. The ACT is required to offer a flexible response dependent on individual needs. This will range from brief interventions, to extended outreach appointments in the community post discharge, referrals and support into structured treatment and ambulatory detoxes where appropriate. The team will also continue to be responsible for training and supporting the wider hospital staff around optimal alcohol related treatment and care. The team make up includes both clinical and non-clinical staff, including a peer support worker with lived experience.


Award date

a month ago

Publish date

a month ago

Buyer information

London Borough of Hounslow

Ms Claire Gomm

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