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The Establishment Of Multiparty Framework Agreement For Marine Lot 1 And Land Based Lot 2 Engineering Services for Dublin Party Company



20,000,000 EUR


Dublin Port Company (DPC) proposes to engage in a competitive process for the establishment of TWO MULTI-PARTY FRAMEWORK AGREEMENTS (in two lots) to provide: (a) LOT 1 – Marine Based Engineering Services; and (b) LOT 2 – Land Based Engineering Services. The Framework Agreements will be concluded under the EU Utilities Directive Dir.2014/25/EU and the associated Irish Statutory Instrument, SI 286 of 5th May 2016 implementing that Directive with binding force specificity, precision, and clarity, under Irelands obligations under the EU Treaty. The award procedure is being commenced via a notice of call for competition being published both on the Irish Government Portal and in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) in association with this PQQ. Subject to the terms of the PQQ, DPC envisage that a maximum of (10) qualifying candidates on foot of this PQQ, for each Lot, will be invited to tender for the relevant Framework. The top seven (7) ranking tenderers will be invited to join the relevant framework as members, subject to them meeting the minimum criteria and rules. Dublin Port Company (DPC) proposes to engage in a competitive process for the establishment of TWO MULTI-PARTY FRAMEWORK AGREEMENTS (in two lots) to provide: (a) LOT 1 – Marine Based Engineering Services; and (b) LOT 2 – Land Based Engineering Services. The Framework Agreements will be concluded under the EU Utilities Directive Dir.2014/25/EU and the associated Irish Statutory Instrument, SI 286 of 5th May 2016 implementing that Directive with binding force specificity, precision, and clarity, under Irelands obligations under the EU Treaty. The award procedure is being commenced via a notice of call for competition being published both on the Irish Government Portal and in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) in association with this PQQ. Subject to the terms of the PQQ, DPC envisage that a maximum of (10) qualifying candidates on foot of this PQQ, for each Lot, will be invited to tender for the relevant Framework. The top seven (7) ranking tenderers will be invited to join the relevant framework as members, subject to them meeting the minimum criteria and rules.


Publish date

10 months ago

Close date

9 months ago

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Dublin Port Company_411

Dublin Port Company_411

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