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Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust (the Trust) is seeking a partner to enter into a development agreement for the redevelopment of surplus land at St Pancras Hospital. The partner will be expected to lead on planning, design and delivery of the entire scheme. The Trust is seeking to maximise capital receipts to reinvest in the provision of new administrative, clinical and therapeutic premises, and research, balanced by the desire to: (a) provide an active presence for the Trust and the UCL Institute of Mental Health, up to 4 000 m2 and 4 800 m2 respectively (subject to confirmation); (b) create a new urban environment; (c) redevelop surplus property to include the optimal provision of affordable housing subject to viability; and (d) may need to accommodate the relocation of Moorfields Eye Hospital onto up to 2 acres of the St PancrasHospital site. The commercial terms of the development agreement will be based on the grant of a long lease over the surplus site area. The Trust is the largest provider of mental health and substance misuse services to people living within the London boroughs of Camden and Islington, from some 30 sites across both boroughs. The Trust’s vision is to reshape the services it provides delivering high class local, integrated care and world class research. Over the course of the next 3 to 5 years, the Trust intends to relocate the acute inpatient services provided at St Pancras Hospital to alternative premises within the London Boroughs of Camden and Islington. The Trust's core objective for St Pancras is to deliver a development scheme that optimises both the financial value for the Trust and overall public benefit. The Trust intends commit its surplus land on a long leasehold basis in return for a land payment. The payment will be calculated at the point of acceptable detailed planning consent and will be the product of an open-book approach to costs and values, except for the developer’s return (on cost) which will


Publish date

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust


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