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Walking Aids



NRS Healthcare, Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare Limited, Moorings Mediquip Ltd t/a Wheelchair Care, Performance Health International, Roma Medical, Sunrise Medical Ltd, Trulife, Simplymed Ltd, Aidapt Bathrooms Ltd


1,356,000 GBP


Lot 1: Supply of walking aids: Lot No Lot Name 1 Axilla Metal Crutch, Adult 2 Elbow Crutch Double Adjustable, Plastic/PVC Handle, Adult 3 Elbow Crutch Double Adjustable, Ergonomic Plastic/PVC Handle, Adult 4 Elbow Crutch Fixed Height, Plastic/PVC Handle, Adult 5 Elbow Crutch Fixed Height, Ergonomic Plastic/PVC Handle, Adult 6 Elbow Crutch, Metal, Forearm Trough Type, Adjustable Length, Adult 7 Three Wheeled Walker , Folding, Swivel Front Wheel & Two Fixed Rear Wheels, Spring loaded brakes, Adult 8 Three Wheeled Walker , Folding, Swivel front wheel & Two Fixed rear wheels, looped Brakes, Adult 9 Four wheeled walker, Adult 10 Knee Walker, Adult 11 Tetrapod, Adult 12 Tripod, Adult 13 Ultra Narrow Walking Frames and Wheeled Walking Frames, Adult 14 Narrow Walking Frames and Wheeled Walking Frames, Adult 15 Hospital Walking Frames and Wheeled Walking Frames, Adult 16 Wheeled Walking Gutter Frames cw Forearm Troughs, Adult 17 Walking Frame, Atlas Type with Forearm Trough, Adjustable height, Adult 18 Walking Frame, Atlas Type with Forearm Trough, Adjustable height, Adult, Bariatric 19 Walking Frame, Atlas Type (Padded), Adjustable height, Adult 20 Walking Stick, Fischer Type Handle, Adjustable height , Adult 21 Walking Stick, Fischer Type Handle, Fixed height, Adult 22 Walking Stick, Metal, Fixed height, Adult 23 Walking Stick, Metal, Adjustable height , Adult 24 Walking Stick, Metal, Adjustable Height , Ergonomic Handle, Adult 25 Axilla Metal Crutch, Childrens 26 Elbow Crutch, Metal, Double Adjustable, Childrens 27 Elbow Crutch, Metal, Double Adjustable, Ergonomic Handle, Childrens 28 Three Wheeled Walker , Folding, Swivel front wheel & Two Fixed rear wheels, looped Brakes, Childrens 29 Four wheeled walker, Childrens 30 Posture Control Walker, Childrens 31 Tetrapod, Childrens 32 Wheeled Walking Gutter Frames cw Forearm Troughs, Childrens 33 Walking Frames and Wheeled Walking Frames, Adjustable Height, Childrens 34 Elbow Crutch, Metal, Double Adjustable, Bariatric 35 Four Wheeled Walker, Bariatric 36 Walking Frames and Wheeled Walking Frames, Adjustable Height, Bariatric 37 Walking Stick, Metal, Fixed Height, Ergonomic Handle, Bariatric 38 Walking Stick, Metal, Adjustable Height, Bariatric


Award date

3 years ago

Publish date

2 years ago

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NHS National Services Scotland


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