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Primary Care Services Slough



East Berkshire Primary Care Out of Hours Services Ltd


3,246,495 GBP


NHS Frimley ICB ("the Commissioner") sought to commission provision to provide Primary Care Services in Slough The services are as follows: The Same Day Urgent Care service is a clinically led service, supported by experienced staff who have undergone additional training to enable the effective management, assessment and treatment of illness and some minor wounds based at Priors Close, Slough. Patients will access the services either through via NHS111, or through referral from another healthcare professional (e.g. GP, A&E or Community services) or self-presenting 'walk in' The Slough Same Day Service is an overspill service available to all Slough practices. All GP appointments must be made by the patient's own surgery once the patient has been triaged by their own GP practice. The Same Day Service GPs are expected to adhere to the standard of practice that a patient would receive within their own GP practice The provision of GP led medical care services to registered patients residing in the practice registration area The Special Allocation Scheme (formerly known as the Violent Patient Scheme (VPS)) was introduced as an Enhanced Service in 2004, with the aim of providing a secure environment in which patients who have been violent or aggressive in their GP practice can continue to receive general medical services Frimley ICB has followed PSR Direct Award C for the contract to which this notice relates. Lot 1: NHS Frimley ICB ("the Commissioner") sought to commission provision to provide Primary Care Services. The services are as follows: The Same Day Urgent Care service is a clinically led service, supported by experienced staff who have undergone additional training to enable the effective management, assessment and treatment of illness and some minor wounds based at Priors Close, Slough. Patients will access the services either through via NHS111, or through referral from another healthcare professional (e.g. GP, A&E or Community services) or self-presenting 'walk in' The Slough Same Day Service is an overspill service available to all Slough practices. All GP appointments must be made by the patient's own surgery once the patient has been triaged by their own GP practice. The Same Day Service GPs are expected to adhere to the standard of practice that a patient would receive within their own GP practice The provision of GP led medical care services to registered patients residing in the practice registration area The Special Allocation Scheme (formerly known as the Violent Patient Scheme (VPS)) was introduced as an Enhanced Service in 2004, with the aim of providing a secure environment in which patients who have been violent or aggressive in their GP practice can continue to receive general medical services Frimley ICB has followed PSR Direct Award C for the contract to which this notice relates. The Commissioner is directly awarding a contract to the existing provider East Berkshire Primary Care Out of Hours Services Limited under PSR Direct Award C in accordance with the criteria outlined in Regulation (9) of the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. The total expected value of the contract for the initial 14-month contract term is £1,623,247. The optional 14-month extension expected value of the contract is £1,623,247. Therefore, the full expected lifetime contract value (14-month + optional up to 14-month extension) is £3,246,495. The initial 14-month contract period will commence on the 01 April 2025. This procurement has been carried out by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioners Additional information: Evidence that East Berkshire Primary Care Out of Hours Services Limited have satisfied the existing contract to a sufficient standard according to the detail outlined in the APMS contract The new contracting arrangements are based on a rollover of the previous contracting arrangements/schedules which the provider has already satisfied/complied with to a high standard, and so the provider will highly be likely to be able to satisfy the new contract to a sufficient standard.


Award date

19 days ago

Publish date

8 days ago

Buyer information

NHS Frimley Integrated Care Board


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