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Primary Medical Care Acute Home Visiting and Proactive Early Response Team



West Basildon Primary Care Network (provided and run by: Basildon First primary Care Network Ltd)


352,613 GBP


NHS Mid and South Essex Integrated Care Board have re-awarded a contract for provision of Acute Home Visiting Service (AHVS) and Proactive Early Response Team to the existing provider West Basildon Primary Care Network (provided and run by: Basildon First primary Care Network Ltd), under Regulation 14 of the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023 (PSR 23). This notice is confirmation of an award having been made due to an urgent circumstance and delaying the award of the contract was considered as having been likely to pose a risk to patient or public safety. The contract is awarded from 1st October 2024 - 31st September 2025. The estimated contract value is £201,000 for the 9-month duration. Lot 1: The AHVS service has been developed to support the sustainability of transformation of primary care in Basildon and Brentwood. It provides support to member GP practices in managing increasing levels of need and demand among their registered population; facilitates rapid access to home visiting services to house bound patients requiring urgent consultation; and informs analysis of current patterns and drivers of home visiting, in order to support future appropriate reductions in visit rates. The provision of support in this area is in-line with the relevant GMS/PMS clauses relating to Home Visiting requirements. Additionally, the PCN will deliver additional same day access appointments, proactive management of high frequency users of primary, community and secondary care, co-located for multiple health and social care providers. Previous funding (£151,613) for the Primary Medical Care Acute Home Visiting Service and Proactive Early Response Team for the initial 9-month period was agreed from 1st January 2024 until 30th September 2024. The aggregate (lifetime) contract value with the provider for this service including the urgent award that is the subject of this Transparency Notice is £352,613.


Award date

7 months ago

Publish date

a month ago

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