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CFT 3729– Economic led multi-disciplinary consultancy services team for South Dublin County Council Economic Strategy



77,000 EUR


There are approximately 7,000 businesses in the administrative area of South Dublin County Council, all of which support more than 85,000 jobs. With regional targets identified in the South Dublin County Development Plan 2022 – 2028 seeking an additional 1,500 jobs per annum, the creation and safeguarding of an environment to enable enterprise to thrive, grow and compete, as well as remain resilient in an ever-evolving economy, is key to the County's economic success. South Dublin County Council are seeking an appropriate consultant(s) to prepare an Economic Strategy for the County which will frame a longer-term vision for the area and provide a clear roadmap for South Dublin to meet its economic ambition and competitiveness and optimise the transformative effects of infrastructure and regeneration projects that are already in planning and/ or ongoing. The Strategy will provide a framework and key priority areas which will align with the policies and objectives of the South Dublin Local Economic and Community Plan 2024 -2030, South Dublin County Development Plan 2022 - 2028, National Planning Framework Project Ireland 2040 and Eastern and Midland Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy RSES. The County Economic Strategy will also have the potential to inform future planning policy and objectives as preparation for the next 10 year County Development Plan will get underway in 2025-2026. Having regard to the recent challenges of the global pandemic, ongoing global conflicts, Brexit and climate change, it has never been more important to plan and set out a roadmap for building resilience and sustainability, future proofing our local economy and the community we live.


Publish date

3 months ago

Close date

2 months ago

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South Dublin County Council

South Dublin County Council

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