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The EUs Customs Union prohibits customs duties on imports and exports between member states and details a common customs tariff in MS relations with third countries. There is also a principle of mutual recognition of standards whereby goods are certified in one Member State (MS) and this certification is accepted in all MS. As a result, goods move freely between MS without the need for customs declarations, associated controls and inspections. This means that no controls are carried out at Irish ports and airports on consignments of live animals, plants, plant and animal products and consignments of foods of non-animal origin, food contact materials (e.g. plastics), some composite products, cosmetic products or tobacco related products that are entering Ireland from another EU Member State. As a result of Brexit, the movement of goods from Great Britain into the EU is now an importation from a third country. Therefore, all consignments of live animals, plants, plant and animal products and consignments of foods of non-animal origin, food contact materials (e.g. plastics), some composite products, cosmetic products or tobacco related products that are entering Ireland from Great Britain are now subject to customs formalities including the requirement for customs declarations, payment of tariffs (where applicable) and documentary or physical controls. In addition, DAFM and the HSE inspect all consignments to confirm they are in compliance with EU legislation. Consignments found not to comply with these requirements are rejected and are either destroyed, re-exported to the country of origin or are subjected to special treatment under Competent Authority control. The Competent Authorities require a Tenderer to procure and manage on their behalf, a Border Control Post (BCP) Support Services Contract. The BCP Support Services Contract provides a range of services to assist with facilitating checks on incoming imports including consignment handling and traffic control services in Dublin and Rosslare Ports for and on behalf of the following Competent Authorities: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM), the Office of the Revenue Commissioners (Revenue) and the Health Service Executive (HSE). The expected range of services included in the BCP support services contract may, but is not limited to, the following: - Contract Management - Health and Safety, Quality and Environmental Management - Consignment Handling - Traffic Control - Provision of Machinery/Equipment The Tenderer will be required to be fully acquainted with the strict requirements of Public Procurement and to always abide by these.


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Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine

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