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Waste Management (Grit, Screening and Iron Sludge



The procurement of Waste Management for Grit, Screening and Iron Sludge as per below: AWS has elected to split the existing waste stream of Grit, Screenings and Iron Sludge into three separate lots: 1. Grit (Lot 1) 2. Screenings (Lot 2) 3. Iron Sludge (Lot 3) The above three lots are key areas where a significant tonnage is output from AWS' operational sites each year. By splitting these lots, AWS is attempting to identify innovative alternatives to disposal via landfill which are available within the market. Lot 1: The Waste Management partner is required to provide skips or containers to collect the Grit as it is output from the waste recycling process. Following this, the Waste Management partner provides haulage services to transport the waste to AWS grit hubs for recycling by AWS. Page 4 to 10 Lot 2: The Waste Management partner is required to provide skips or containers to collect the screenings as it is output from the waste recycling process. Following this, the Waste Management partner provides collection and haulage services to transport the waste off site to a disposal site. Currently, this is landfill sites, however this does not align with Anglian Water's sustainability goals or Circular Economy Strategy therefore a disposal option higher on the waste hierarchy would be preferable. Lot 3: The Waste Management partner is required to provide skips or containers to collect the iron sludge as it is output from the water treatment works process. Following this, the Waste Management partner provides collection and haulage services to transport the waste off site to a disposal site. Lot 1: Grit To procure skips or containers to collect the Grit as it is output from the waste recycling process. Following this, the Waste Management partner provides haulage services to transport the waste to AWS grit hubs for recycling byAWS. Lot 2: Screenings Procure skips or containers to collect the screenings as it is output from the waste recycling process. Following this, the Waste Management partner provides collection and haulage services to transport the waste off site to a disposal site. Currently, this is landfill sites, however this does not align with Anglian Water's sustainability goals or Circular Economy Strategy therefore a disposal option higher on the waste hierarchy would be preferable. Lot 3: Iron Sludge procure the service to provide skips or containers to collect the iron sludge as it is output from the water treatment works process. Following this, the Waste Management partner provides collection and haulage services to transport the waste off site to a disposal site.


Award date

2 months ago

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a month ago

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Anglian Water Services

Allison Carpenter

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