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Recruitment of Peer Support Workers and Development of Patient Experience Model



This service will require the design and delivery of an expert by experience model within forensic learning disability and autism inpatient and community services. The provider will recruit and provide ongoing support to peers with lived experience to work alongside case managers in a quality assurance role, and the development of a user involvement model that actively engages with people using inpatient and community forensic learning disability and autism services, in the way services are planned, delivered and quality assured. Peer Support Workers a) The recruitment of two part time Peer Support Workers with a learning disability or learning disability and autism into paid quality assurance roles based at North London NHS Forensic Collaborative. Pay to be comparable to a NHS band 3 peer engagement worker (see draft job description for band 3 peer engagement worker as guidance for the role within Appendix 5). b) Provide a robust training and support package to peers in collaboration with the commissioning team. c) Provide training to staff within the commissioning hub to work alongside peers in the role, delivered in person at Fitzrovia House where the team is based. d) To co-produce the role with patients and staff in the commissioning team and ensure a process in place to update the role as requirements change. e) To create a recruitment pipeline/development pathway that enables new peer workers to be identified from discharged patients from providers into paid roles. User involvement model a) Develop a user involvement model that actively engages with patients in learning disability and autism services to co-produce and quality assure services within the collaborative. b) Agree measures to evaluate the impact of the model. The purpose is to place patient experience and co-production at the centre of commissioning learning disability and autism inpatient and community forensic services, with the expected outcomes to be: a) Quality Assurance: Patient experience is a primary focus of the quality assurance framework b) Co-Production: to create a co-production model appropriate for the needs of the population.


Publish date

2 years ago

Buyer information

Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust

Dominic Caddle

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