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Peer Support Workers and Patient Experience Model



This service will require the design and delivery of an expert by experience model within forensic learning disability and autism inpatient and community services. To develop and implement an expert by experience model that places the people who use forensic inpatient and community learning disability and autism services at the centre of the way services are delivered and quality assured; this will be achieved through the recruitment and development of a peer workforce who will work alongside the case managers and the wider commissioning team to drive up the quality of services delivered, and the development of a user involvement pathway that engages directly with people who use forensic learning disability and autism services to ensure their voices are central to way services are planned and delivered. <br/><br/>The provider will also be required to recruit and provide ongoing support to peers with lived experience to work alongside case managers in a quality assurance role, and the development of a user involvement model that actively engages with people using inpatient and community forensic learning disability and autism services, in the way services are planned, delivered and quality assured. Lot 1: NLFC aim to place patients and their experience at the centre of their commissioning model. The Commissioning Hub would like to build on its current expert by experience model within adult inpatient secure settings and extend this to our inpatient and community services for people with learning disability and/or autism.<br/><br/> <br/>A key element of the current expert by experience framework is the enhancement of the quality assurance model through the employment of peers with lived experience to work alongside case managers in a quality assurance role. This includes attending user forums on the wards and presenting feedback from these forums in contract review meetings, speaking directly to patients to gain a greater understanding of quality of care they receive, with this information used to inform quality improvement and service development, and to conduct joint insight and learning visits (ISV) with the case managers to review the standard of care in a ward. <br/><br/>To compliment the peer roles, a second element of the expert by experience framework is a recently formed patient council. This is a newly formed group comprised of current patients, with representation from all the providers, established to co-create and co-produce quality improvement and service development initiatives. Both components play a critical role in ensuring that the voices of those who use services their families, friends and carers are central to the way service provision within the NLFC is commissioned and quality assured.<br/><br/>This service will require the design and delivery of an expert by experience model within forensic learning disability and autism inpatient and community services. The provider will recruit and provide ongoing support to peers with lived experience to work alongside case managers in a quality assurance role, and the development of a user involvement model that actively engages with people using inpatient and community forensic learning disability and autism services, in the way services are planned, delivered and quality assured.<br/><br/>To develop and implement an expert by experience model that places the people who use forensic inpatient and community learning disability and autism services at the centre of the way services are delivered and quality assured. This will be achieved through the recruitment and development of a peer workforce who will work alongside the case managers and the wider commissioning team to drive up the quality of services delivered, and the development of a user involvement pathway that engages directly with people who use forensic learning disability and autism services to ensure their voices are central to way services are planned and delivered. <br/><br/>The contract will be divided into two components for the purpose of describing the two distinct parts of the service, providers will need to be able to successfully deliver both elements.<br/><br/>a) Component 1: Recruitment of Peers with a Learning Disability and Autism<br/>b) Component 2: Design, Development and Implementation of a Patient Engagement Model. Additional information: This notice is placed as an early engagement notice to inform the market of the North London Forensic Collaborative (NLFC) intention to commission a provider to develop and deliver an expert by experience model for forensic learning disability and autism services.<br/><br/>The NLFC wishes to hold a Market Engagement Event where they will provide more detail on the service, gauge the level of interest from potential providers and to engage with interested parties to gather feedback on specific aspects of the future service specification and best approach.<br/><br/>To confirm you would like to attend the Market Engagement Event, you will need to provide an Expression of Interest letter detailing your full company details (Company Name, Phone Number, Address, DUNS Number, Charity Number, Companies House number) via the Atamis Portal by sending a message to the Procurement representative with your letter against the contract reference number (C168018) assigned to the project. <br/><br/>To register for the opportunity, please ensure you are registered with the eTendering portal Atamis to access all shared documentation -


Publish date

2 years ago

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Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust

Dominic Caddle

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