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Sewer Syphon Cleansing



Sewer Syphon Cleansing - Severn Trent Water Lot 1: Severn Trent Water (STW) are interested in hearing from suppliers that can complete cleansing and survey activity on sewer network syphons. Approx 200-300 syphons are geographically spread across the STW network. Pipe sizes can range from 100mm to 5.3mtrs, with often difficult or challenging access. Based on our historic records, the average pipe size is approximately 574mm. The activity may include but not limited to: • Pre and post survey work using CCTV equipment such as crawler units, provision of coded footage and the files provided to STW • Enabling works for example, but not limited to draining down the system isolating pipes where necessary, and managing the flows. • Removal and disposal of all waste matter including any solids, silt, debris, grease and rags in accordance with regulations. • Provision of vehicles and skill personnel to complete activity • Provision of a detailed report for each job, any site specific observations or root cause analysis, as-built design drawings, syphon size information, long term maintenance recommendations. • Ability to use InfoAsset to transfer updates directly. Please send any case studies to us of your previous experience in this type of work to enable us to analyse the supply chain and assist us in developing a sourcing strategy.


Publish date

6 months ago

Buyer information

Severn Trent Water Ltd


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