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A494 River Dee Bridge Replacement



130,000,000 GBP


Works required for the replacement of the A494 River Dee Bridge Replacement Lot 1: The A494 River Dee Bridge provides a vital connection for cross border traffic between north Wales, the north-west of England and beyond, connecting people, communities and businesses. The bridge is in poor structural condition and needs replacing. The Welsh Government (WG) has now shortlisted options to replace the bridge, including identifying a best performing option, and is currently holding a consultation on these options. Details of these options as well as further information as regards the scheme can be found here: From a delivery perspective, WG is cognisant that the scheme will require the input of both multi-disciplinary consultants and works contractors. WG is currently in the process of developing its delivery model and contracting model for these inputs and this market engagement exercise is being conducted to help inform their design, as well as the WG’s procurement strategy more generally.. The WG would welcome written submissions/responses to the questions attached to this notice from suitably qualified organisations. Responses should be emailed to no later than 12:00 (midday) on the 21st of February 2025.


Publish date

2 months ago

Buyer information

Welsh Government

Corporate Procurement Service

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