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Dorset Families Matter - Family Support Packages



<p>Children's Services work in broad partnerships and are committed to promoting and embedding whole family working as business as usual across early help and statutory services. Dorset Council is seeking a broad and diverse range of suitably qualified and experienced service providers to provide: • a service • an intervention and /or • an activity that can be termed a family support package and can contribute to the delivery of positive outcomes in line with those set out in the document Annex A: National Supporting Families Outcome Framework (</p> <p>Family Support Packages are one optional element of the enhanced <em>Whole Family support and resources</em> that professionals can access on behalf of the families they are supporting. They can be defined as a variety of small-scale services, activities, or interventions which practitioners can utilise quickly and easily.</p> <p>Examples of packages include, but are not limited to: Individual Mentoring / Support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (or questioning), and intersex young people and their families / Interactive Therapeutic Approaches / Mediation /Counselling / Relationship Support / Family Support Services / Introducing the idea of positive activities for families and/ or individuals and encouraging participation/ Household Management etc.&nbsp;</p> <p>A Family Support Package will contribute to the Lead Professional's family action or delivery plan - it will not be a stand-alone piece of work.</p> <p>This Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is being established for the first time as part of a fully compliant tender process in accordance with the Public Contract Regulations 2015.</p> Keywords: Intervention, Family Support, Children, Young People, Families, Activities


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Dorset Council

Angela Pavey

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