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Self Drive Vehicle Hire contract



3,000,000 GBP


Tenders are being sought to provide self drive vehicle hire solutions to Dorset Council. The types of vehicles required includes: economy, compact, intermediate and full sized passenger cars; automatic transmission passenger car; compact and standard multipurpose vehicles; minibus with 17 seats; single and double cab utility (Pick-Up) vehicles; economy (Small) vans; medium and long wheel base panel vans; box vans (Luton Type); single and crew cab flatbed and tipper body light commercial vehicles (3500kgs); flatbed and tipper body and box lorry heavy commercial vehicles (7500kgs). The full list of vehicle types is detailed within the Specification and pricing schedule although this list may evolve during the term of the contract as the Councils needs change and/or as a result of innovations within the vehicle market. The contract will be for an initial period of 4 years, with options to extend for a further 2 years. The estimated contract value is based upon the Councils estimated vehicle hire needs over the full contract term however this may change due to changing needs and circumstances during the contract term: This may include expansion of the scope, budget, or duration if additional services are needed or may include reduction of the scope, budget, or duration if circumstances change, such as reduced funding, lower-than-expected demand, or strategic shifts.


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a month ago

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Dorset Council

Adam Langston

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