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Preliminary Market Engagement for Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust IT Infrastructure Project



Dartmoor Multi-Academy Trust strategic aim is to improve its IT network infrastructure across the school estate , to achieve the guidelines set by the Department for Education (DfE). The initiative was prompted by the critical need for a resilient, secure, and high-performing digital infrastructure to support the Trust’s educational objectives. NGC Networks, in collaboration with Transformative were commissioned to undertake an audit of the Switch Level Network for each school and propose an action plan to deliver the improvements needed to deliver the project outcomes. Whilst the Trust’s aim is to deliver the improvements at all schools, this is likely to take a number of years over a phased approach due to the costs involved. Therefore, the Trust have initially prioritised works to be completed at the following two sites, with the tender being published by the end of the Spring Term 2025, with the works to be delivered during the summer holidays 2025. a. Holsworthy College b. Okehampton College As experts in the field, the Trust wish to engage with contractors for the purpose of pre-market engagement to gather valuable information from potential suppliers to inform the Trust’s procurement strategy and project plan. The aim of this exercise will be to enable the Trust to develop a clear understanding of the market, potential solutions for the IT infrastructure works and to prepare for the upcoming tender.


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8 days ago

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Dartmoor Multi Academy Trust

Michael Coles

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