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Managed Services Framework



115,000,000 GBP


Network Rail’s Technical Authority (TA) is a centre of expertise, accountable for setting technical guidance for Network Rail and the railway system. Technical Authority cover safety, health and wellbeing, environment and sustainability, security, engineering, technology, capability, compliance, and incident investigations. Technical Authority are building an expanding portfolio of practical solutions to support regions, from modernising the way Network Rail manage the railway through safer ways of working, to managing the railway in an increasingly uncertain and changing world including managing the impact of climate change and extreme weather on our network and operating under terror threats. Technical Authority carry out these activities whilst engaging with external bodies from the ORR to the international railway community, to learn and improve. The Requirement: Network Rail’s Technical Authority has a requirement for a zero value framework agreement for the supply of a Managed Services provision. The Managed Services Framework (MSF) will support the delivery of the Technical Authority’s objectives and enhance the support provided by Technical Authority to the regions, through providing Technical Authority with the ability to flex its capability and capacity through the call off and delivery of defined Work Packages at a more economical and efficient rate than ramping up internal resources. The framework will support all Technical Authority functions including: • Engineering • Environment & Sustainability • Health & Safety • Technology (including Research & Development) • Security Each of these functions contain discreet and specific work activities unique to the function as well as more generic, departmental wide activities like reporting and standards writing / updating.


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Network Rail

Edward Mayhew

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