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Waste Services and Street Cleansing Services



120,000,000 GBP


The London Borough of Sutton is seeking bids for the provision of efficient and effective waste collection and recycling services and street cleansing services from April 2025. The contract will include the following services; - household residual waste - household food waste - household dry recycling - household garden waste - household bulky waste - commercial waste - street cleansing services - winter maintenance It is our intention to run the procurement using the Competitive Dialogue process in line with Regulation 30 Public Contracts Regulations 2015. Variants will not be accepted. Lot 1: The London Borough of Sutton is seeking bids for the provision of efficient and effective waste collection and recycling services and street cleansing services from April 2025. The contract will include the following services; - household residual waste - household food waste - household dry recycling - household garden waste - household bulky waste - commercial waste - street cleansing services - winter maintenance Given the current government consultation on waste policy, the nature and scope of the service may change by the time the contract is awarded. The authority is interested in exploring opportunities for reducing the carbon footprint of services including the fleet; reducing costs through vehicle financing; improving container provision; services for flats; options for targeted improvements in street cleansing; sweeping and maintaining clean streets in more heavily littered areas and improving social value; and working with other London Boroughs to reduce costs in service provision and shared infrastructure. The Council is seeking to improve the customer service residents receive and the information generated from the service to increase recycling, reduce contamination and minimise overall waste arisings.


Publish date

2 years ago

Buyer information

London Borough of Sutton

Mr Steve Hoy

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