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Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services



Sutton Council wishes to appoint a multidisciplinary team/consortium for feasibility, design and construction of a shared open workspace for the Beddington area. The facility will provide light-industrial and ‘making’ facilities for start-up/SME businesses, as well as a fully funded green economy incubation centre. The project is funded by the GLA, Sutton Council and ERDF funds. Proposed elements of the tender: 1. Feasibility, visioning and concept designs for the workspace (RIBA workstage 3) 2. Market research to inform the business case 3. Detailed plan for the operation of the workspace / incubation centre 4. Detailed designs of the workspace / incubation centre (RIBA workstage 5); securing planning consent 5. Construction of the workspace / incubation centre Please note The final scope and detail of the tender is subject to feedback from market consultation. Please also note that the contract will either be advertised as one contract, or in lots. London Borough of Sutton (LBS) wishes to appoint a multidisciplinary design and delivery team (or consortium) to design and construct a new open workspace for the Beddington area of Sutton on a site owned by the council. The workspace will provide light-industrial and ‘making’ facilities for start-up/SME businesses, and provide facilities for a fully funded green economy incubation centre. The project is funded by a combination of GLA, London Borough of Sutton and ERDF funds. The London Borough of Sutton uses the London Tender Portal to conduct electronic tendering. Any parties that are interested in participating in the forthcoming tender should ensure that they are registered on the London Tenders Portal (


Publish date

8 years ago

Buyer information

London Borough of Sutton

Mr Francesco Grieco

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