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Creative Placemaking Flexible Framework



Creative placemaking is defined as support to community-led engagement which incorporates creative activity to facilitate positive change for people and the places they live. Dumfries and Galloway Council are looking to establish a framework for creative placemaking providers to enable a compliant route to appointing services to support communities to engage local people over a range of topics. Lot 1: Creative Placemaking - Annandale & Eskdale The framework will cover the following (not exclusive to): - Work at the instruction of Local Place Teams, the Place Planning Partnership and wider Communities and Economy & Development services regarding when and where interventions are required. - As requested, provide hands- on support to communities expressing an interest in developing plans, programmes, and projects, specifically support to creatively engage with their local community, in particular those that are marginalised and/ or harder- to- reach. - As requested, build communities’ capacity to use a range of creative engagement techniques, including those suitable for children and young people. - As requested, informing the development of strategy, e.g., a place plan, a masterplan, inputting to the preparation of feasibility studies, options appraisals, project and business cases. - Collect evaluative outcome evidence and case studies regarding the success of creative placemaking interventions with communities. - Report evaluative evidence to the Council and partners as appropriate. - Assist partners to understand the value of and consider creative placemaking when communities are finding engagement challenging. Lot 2: Creative Placemaking - Nithsdale The framework will cover the following (not exclusive to): - Work at the instruction of Local Place Teams, the Place Planning Partnership and wider Communities and Economy & Development services regarding when and where interventions are required. - As requested, provide hands- on support to communities expressing an interest in developing plans, programmes, and projects, specifically support to creatively engage with their local community, in particular those that are marginalised and/ or harder- to- reach. - As requested, build communities’ capacity to use a range of creative engagement techniques, including those suitable for children and young people. - As requested, informing the development of strategy, e.g., a place plan, a masterplan, inputting to the preparation of feasibility studies, options appraisals, project and business cases. - Collect evaluative outcome evidence and case studies regarding the success of creative placemaking interventions with communities. - Report evaluative evidence to the Council and partners as appropriate. - Assist partners to understand the value of and consider creative placemaking when communities are finding engagement challenging. Lot 3: Creative Placemaking - Stewartry The framework will cover the following (not exclusive to): - Work at the instruction of Local Place Teams, the Place Planning Partnership and wider Communities and Economy & Development services regarding when and where interventions are required. - As requested, provide hands- on support to communities expressing an interest in developing plans, programmes, and projects, specifically support to creatively engage with their local community, in particular those that are marginalised and/ or harder- to- reach. - As requested, build communities’ capacity to use a range of creative engagement techniques, including those suitable for children and young people. - As requested, informing the development of strategy, e.g., a place plan, a masterplan, inputting to the preparation of feasibility studies, options appraisals, project and business cases. - Collect evaluative outcome evidence and case studies regarding the success of creative placemaking interventions with communities. - Report evaluative evidence to the Council and partners as appropriate. - Assist partners to understand the value of and consider creative placemaking when communities are finding engagement challenging. Lot 4: Creative Placemaking - Wigtownshire The framework will cover the following (not exclusive to): - Work at the instruction of Local Place Teams, the Place Planning Partnership and wider Communities and Economy & Development services regarding when and where interventions are required. - As requested, provide hands- on support to communities expressing an interest in developing plans, programmes, and projects, specifically support to creatively engage with their local community, in particular those that are marginalised and/ or harder- to- reach. - As requested, build communities’ capacity to use a range of creative engagement techniques, including those suitable for children and young people. - As requested, informing the development of strategy, e.g., a place plan, a masterplan, inputting to the preparation of feasibility studies, options appraisals, project and business cases. - Collect evaluative outcome evidence and case studies regarding the success of creative placemaking interventions with communities. - Report evaluative evidence to the Council and partners as appropriate. - Assist partners to understand the value of and consider creative placemaking when communities are finding engagement challenging.


Publish date

9 months ago

Buyer information

Dumfries and Galloway Council


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