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Architect Led Integrated Project Team (IPT) Services for The Laidlaw Digital Library located at Trinity East, for Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin



Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin invites suitably qualified Consultant Teams to tender for Architect Led Integrated Project Team (IPT) Services (including other services) for The Laidlaw Digital Library Project. The project is located at the University’s Trinity East campus located at Grand Canal Quay. On foot of this procurement procedure Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin (the ‘ Contracting Authority’) seeks to award a Contract for the provision of Integrated Project Team Services via a single stage, open competition for the proposed Laidlaw Digital Library Project (the 'Project'). Trinity’s vision is to repurpose the building, at 3 Grand Canal Quay into a new research and innovation space along with developing Trinity’s first stand-alone digital library. Further details regarding the project are set out in the tender document set. This Project Information Memorandum (PIM) should be read in conjunction with the QC2-Part 1 and 2, Standard Conditions of Engagement for Consultancy Services (Technical), the Instruction to Tenderers and the Tender and Schedule. The consultancy services required for the Project include the following service providers; Architectural Services, PM, QS, Civil and Structural Engineer, M and E Engineer, Energy Efficient Designer, ER, Fire Engineer, BIM Modelling Expert, PSDP, Conservation Architect and Programmer/Scheduler. Responses must be submitted via the electronic postbox available on by the response deadline. Only responses submitted to the electronic postbox will be accepted. Responses submitted by any other means (including but not limited to by email, fax, post or hand delivery) will NOT be accepted. Responses submitted late will NOT be accepted. Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin invites suitably qualified Consultant Teams to tender for Architect Led Integrated Project Team (IPT) Services (including other services) for The Laidlaw Digital Library Project. The project is located at the University’s Trinity East campus located at Grand Canal Quay. On foot of this procurement procedure Trinity College Dublin, the University of Dublin (the ‘ Contracting Authority’) seeks to award a Contract for the provision of Integrated Project Team Services via a single stage, open competition for the proposed Laidlaw Digital Library Project (the 'Project'). Trinity’s vision is to repurpose the building, at 3 Grand Canal Quay into a new research and innovation space along with developing Trinity’s first stand-alone digital library. Further details regarding the project are set out in the tender document set. This Project Information Memorandum (PIM) should be read in conjunction with the QC2-Part 1 and 2, Standard Conditions of Engagement for Consultancy Services (Technical), the Instruction to Tenderers and the Tender and Schedule. The consultancy services required for the Project include the following service providers; Architectural Services, PM, QS, Civil and Structural Engineer, M and E Engineer, Energy Efficient Designer, ER, Fire Engineer, BIM Modelling Expert, PSDP, Conservation Architect and Programmer/Scheduler. Responses must be submitted via the electronic postbox available on by the response deadline. Only responses submitted to the electronic postbox will be accepted. Responses submitted by any other means (including but not limited to by email, fax, post or hand delivery) will NOT be accepted. Responses submitted late will NOT be accepted.


Publish date

9 months ago

Close date

8 months ago

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