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Fuel Management System



**This notification refers to a Market Engagement Event Only** Cleveland Fire Brigade are currently soft market testing with a view to undertaking a procurement exercise for an automated fuel management/control system. We are looking to replace our current aging fuel management system. We currently have 9 locations with bunkered fuel (Diesel) with two of these sites also having bunkered Ad-Blue. Our Fleet consists of Fire Appliances, Vans and Cars. Requirements of the system are, but not limited to: • Ability to Remotely manage each fuel Pump. • An online Management System. • Ability to produce Management Information Reports. • Fuel tank monitoring and Automatic notification for ordering fuel. • Fuel Pump Access Management. • Compatibility to export data to an external Fleet Management System. Interested parties must be able to demonstrate what options are available for the security of fuel tanks and vehicle access to their fuel. Interested Parties must be able to provide reference sites that Cleveland Fire Brigade could visit, to see live systems in operation. The Brigade would like to understand more about those suppliers that have knowledge and experience of delivering this type of requirement and in particular those organisations that can share successful implementation of fuel management/control systems with other emergency services organisations. The Brigade is therefore inviting any organisation that may be interested in this possible procurement opportunity to a 'Market engagement' event which will be held at the address below on a date to be agreed w/c 18th November 2024 from 9.30am to 4.30pm. Cleveland Fire Brigade Training & Administration Hub Queens Meadow Business Park Hartlepool TS25 5TH On expressing their interest, suppliers will be allocated 50 minutes with the Project team to discuss this potential procurement opportunity as well as demonstrate their experience and capability. Interested parties should email with a preferred time slot of attendance. The closing date to express your interest in attending is 12pm on 8th November 2024. The event is a pre procurement engagement only, seeking to understand supplier capability. This does not commit Cleveland Fire Brigade to any future procurement exercise.


Publish date

5 months ago

Buyer information

Cleveland Fire Authority

Lee Woodall

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