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The supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of an Inert Atmosphere Glovebox



46,000 GBP


The University of Strathclyde (Contracting Authority) seeks notes of interest for a potential procurement exercise for the supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of an inert atmosphere glove box. Potential Tenderers who believe they can fulfill the high-level requirement detailed in this PIN are asked to note their interest against this notice by the closing date of 12 noon, Wednesday the 17th of November 2023. he University of Strathclyde seeks- notes of interest for a potential procurement exercise for the supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of an inert atmosphere glovebox. The Contracting Authority seeks a solution that can conform to the non-exhaustive list of requirements below: - The supply of one inert atmosphere glovebox with at least two gloves. - The offered solution must operate with Argon working gas with oxygen and water levels below 1ppm. - The equipment must have at least one gas purification column. - The successful solution will have oxygen and water sensors that do not require removal for cleaning. - The offered solution's freezer shall perform to at least -30 degrees C. - The equipment will include large and small antechambers. - The equipment will include a solvent trap. - The offered solution will include gloves resistant to organic solvents. - The successful solution will include a high vacuum pump to operate the antechambers and general glovebox operation.


Publish date

a year ago

Buyer information

University of Strathclyde

Natasha Murray

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