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Collections Review For Nationally Sponsored Cultural Organisations and Museums



276,000 GBP


The Welsh Government is seeking to commission an independent review into collections management for our national sponsored cultural organisations and local and independent museums who wish to participate. The aim of the contract is to improve collections management, reduce costs for cultural organisations, support decarbonisation of collections storage, and improving access for researchers and the public. The review will identify urgent capital priorities to improve and build capacity in collections storage across Wales in order that cultural organisation (whether national, local authority or independent museums and archives) can continue to care for and grow the nations collections to ensure that they remain relevant and representative of the diverse culture of Wales. This work will also consider options for improving the capacity of collections storage, through shared, co-location site or distributed models of storage. A final report, presenting the results of this work with be produced, with recommendations for any further investigative work and capital investment. This activity would include the sponsored national cultural bodies (National Library of Wales, Amgueddfa Cymru and the Royal Commission of Ancient and Historical Monuments in Wales) Cadw (the Welsh Government’s historic environment service), the four regional Welsh Archaeological Trusts and those who wish to participate from the c.100 Accredited and working towards Accreditation local and independent museums. The Welsh Government is seeking to appoint an independent multi-disciplinary research team, with a right skills and experience to undertake a comprehensive and value for money mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative) review to meet the project aims. The estimated value for the contract is between GBP 210,000 to GBP 230,000 exc. VAT (GBP 252,000.00 to GBP 276,000.00 inc. VAT). The duration of the initial contract is 12 month contract with a 3 month extension option. Lot 1: The aim of the contract is to deliver a 12 month review to improve collections management, reduce costs for cultural organisations, support decarbonisation of collections storage, and improving access for researchers and the public. Within this contract, collection management refers explicitly to creating a suitable environment for the preservation of collections in storage, and supporting strategic planning for ongoing care. The review will identify urgent capital priorities to improve and build capacity in collections storage across Wales in order that cultural organisation (whether national, local authority or independent museums and archives) can continue to care for and grow the nations collections to ensure that they remain relevant and representative of the diverse culture of Wales. This work will also consider options for improving the capacity of collections storage, both physically and digitally, through shared, co-location site or distributed models of storage. A final report, presenting the results of this work with be produced, with recommendations for any further investigative work and capital investment.


Publish date

2 years ago

Buyer information

Welsh Government

Gerrard O'Neill

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