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GP Services at Minehead Medical Centre for NHS Somerset Integrated Care Board



One Medicare t/a One Primary Care LLP


6,500,000 GBP


NHS Somerset Integrated Care Board (ICB) has awarded time limited contracts to One Medicare Limited. This for the provision of General Medical Services (GMS) including the following Directed Enhanced Services: Weight Management, Minor Surgery, Network Contract and Learning Disabilities Health Check Scheme; and the NHS Somerset Standard Contract for Local Enhanced Services including the Primary Care Improvement Scheme, Enhanced Drug Monitoring, Proactive Care, Anti-coagulation Initiation, Stabilisation and Monitoring This award has been made under the Provider Selection Regime contract award in urgent circumstances process due to a CQC notice of suspension. The caretaking contract term commenced on the 24/02/2024 for the suspension period, with an option to perform the contract for up to 24 months in total up to 23/02/2026. This is required to enable the significant level of initial improvement at the practice as part of the CQC action plan. This will then enable the service to be in a position to go out to the open market and be procured. The total lifetime value of the resulting 24- month contract are estimated between £6,000,000 to £6,500,000 due to variable nature of GP Practice payments. This contract award notice has been published by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioners. Lot 1: This contract has been awarded under the urgent circumstances provision of the Provider Selection Regime (PSR). This contract has been awarded under the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 do not apply to this award. Following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission, the independent regulator of health and social care in England, and subsequent issue of a Section 31 on the 19 January 2024; a notice of suspension for 3 months was issued by the Care Quality Commission to Minehead Medical Centre on Tuesday 23 January 2024 which came into effect from Wednesday 24 January 2024. Due to suspension the ICB awarded a caretaker General Medical Services contract and NHS Standard Contract for the period of suspension with an option to extend up to 21 months if required to ensure the continued provision of General Medical Services to the population of Minehead. For clarity the contract duration is from 24/02/24 to 23/02/26. A significant level of initial improvement is required at the practice as part of the CQC action plan before the service is in a position to go out to open market and procure. This requires a longer contract term than 12 months to enable this work to be undertaken and reduce clinical risks associated with CQC findings. The extended time also enables the development of a comprehensive procurement approach with provider engagement. The intention is to go out to procurement during 2025/26 for a new contract to begin following the end of this contract. The decision to award the contract was made by Executive Board of Directors at NHS Somerset ICB. This decision was ratified by the Primary Care Commissioning Committee on the 5 March 2024. There were no declarations of conflict as part of this process. This contract award notice has been published by NHS South, Central and West Commissioning Support Unit (SCW) on behalf of the Commissioners. This is a Provider Selection Regime (PSR) confirmation of contract award notice. This contract has been awarded under the Health Care Services (Provider Selection Regime) Regulations 2023. For the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 do not apply to this award.


Award date

2 months ago

Publish date

2 months ago

Buyer information

NHS Somerset Integrated Care Board


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